Friday, July 26, 2024

1984 In 2024


It's interesting to watch the Media rewrite history in real-time to support their latest candidate for president. One problem in doing so with recent history is that people still remember the facts and often the old reporting that was rewritten still can be retrieved thanks to the Internet.

In an attempt to support their Party and refurbish appointed candidate Kamala Harris's image, elements in the media are literally rewriting their prior reports on her history.


Axios, for example, is now denying she was ever appointed as border czar in 2021, a job she didn't just fail at completely (visiting the border all of once and doing absolutely nothing) but failed so badly her appointment must now be rewritten from history. 

Axios, after previously reporting at the time she that was appointed "Border Czar" now comes out and states she was never appointed as border czar, it didn't happen, and they were "incorrect" in their past reporting: 


Eric Bolling: What Do You Mean 'Border Czar?': Axios Hit With Community Note After Contradicting Own Reporting on Kamala Harris


Many other Media talking heads are repeating the same revision to history, contradicting and denying what they themselves reported but a couple years ago.

GovTrack, also doing its part for Kamala, has now erased its prior record that showed her as having the most liberal voting record in the Senate in 2019. This removal just occurred in the last two weeks. 


It will be interesting to see what else gets rewritten or "re-explained" by the media to try and erase the problematic parts of her record as she moves on to be the Democrat's selected candidate.

"History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.". ― George Orwell, 1984.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

More Democrat Political Violence - Pro-Hamas Protesters Eat Their Own

So the Pro-Hamas, Pro-terrorist leftists decided to storm the capitol today to protest Netanyahu visiting.


Note: if you're burning the American Flag, you're one of the bad guys.

None dare call it an insurrection mind you.

 The Detroit Free Press: Pro-Palestinian protestors try to force way into Rep. Dan Kildee's office

The Detroit News: Thousands descend on Washington to protest Israel ahead of Netanyahu's speech to Congress

We will note Kildee has been supportive of Hamas, being against sending Israel weapons to defend itself. So the protesters were going for an own-goal.

It is unlikely that Rep Kildee learned much from the experience. 

Then again, neither have the terrorist-supporting protestors learned anything in all this time, still backing terrorists and still falsely claiming there is a genocide that is provably not occurring.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

More Democrat Political Violence

The Guardian:  Michigan man kills himself after running over 80-year-old Trump supporter

A Michigan man suspected of using an all-terrain vehicle to run over an elderly man for supporting Donald Trump died by suicide as police closed in on him, according to authorities.

Police in Hancock – a city located in the state’s upper peninsula – said the man in question was under investigation for allegedly running over an 80-year-old man at about 5.45pm local time on Sunday.

The elderly man was described as a supporter of the former president who was posting a political sign in his yard, according to police. Police also said he displayed stickers and flags that were supportive of law enforcement. He was taken to the hospital in critical condition with serious injuries after the man on the ATV struck him, authorities said.

Investigators said they had identified a suspect in the case by Monday evening, and he had been linked to a total of three cases which were apparently “politically motivated”.

A little impulse control and handling disputes without violence would be nice.  On the upside, the scumbag spared taxpayers the cost of a trial by offing himself. 

Monday, July 22, 2024

Dems Don't Have To Like It, But They Do Have To Get In Line

It looks like the party bosses have spoken and they're pushing hard for Kamala to be the candidate for the Dems for 2024.

Gov. Whitmer was quiet but soon got on board:  The Detroit Free Press: Whitmer stays quiet as Harris endorsements from other Democrats pour in within less than an hour of that being published, she had gotten the memo to endorse Kamala, and did so.

Lots of other Dems followed suit, likely trying to make her appointment as candidacy seem inevitable prior to the convention to prevent the party members from democratically voting on a replacement for Biden, to protect "Our Democracy", of course.

Meanwhile, Joe has yet to be seen in public.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Slow Joe Had To Go

So the sun sets on Joe Biden's candidacy in the race for 2024.

From "He's Fine, He Just Had a Bad Night" to being shown the door in  less than 30 days. Even as late as Friday they were swearing he was still in the race and the nominee.

So did he fall, or was he pushed? 

The Biden White House was rather like the Kremlin with Kremlinologists being needed to track which faction was in power and setting policy behind the figurehead that was Joe Biden. This will be even more interesting as the jockeying for his replacement becomes more intense.

Interestingly, he did not immediately come out and endorse Kamala Harris in his resignation announcement.  Instead, that endorsement came later on Twitter. So probably a Kamala backer has control over the Twitter account for the moment. Or, alternatively she's being the sacrificial candidate (but with access to the money in the Biden-Harris campaign cookie jar) for what the Dems know will be a losing campaign in 2024.

It's going to be interesting to see who the Democrat party elite decides to run now that Joe has been shown the door.  Be sure to have popcorn at the ready for the Democrat convention.

The fun question that also needs to be asked is: If Joe Biden is acknowledged to no longer be fit and cannot handle running for reelection due to his age and infirmities, why the heck is he still staying on as President?

Friday, July 19, 2024

The Ineffectiveness Of The Red Flag Law

As has been pointed out multiple times, one of the many problems with Red Flag laws, in addition to their lack of due process, is that they don't interdict someone known to be (or at least claimed to be) a dangerous threat to themselves or others from still being a threat.

And now you've made this dangerous person more angry by "red flagging" them, and yet leaving them free to roam and carry out their alleged violent actions.

It creates results like this one:

The Detroit News: Man with gun and axe killed after breaking into ex-girlfriend's Orion Township home

After being red flagged, the scumbag of the story goes off, gets a gun and an axe, and then breaks into his victims house looking to kill the occupants.

Luckily, there is a happy ending.

The happy ending, that of the violent scumbag attaining room temperature and being violent no more, is not due in the slightest to the red flag law he was tagged with.

Instead, it is due to the bravery of the step-son of the intended victim, who was in the house, obtained a firearm, and stopped the threat, unlike the red flag law. 

The red flag law not only did not prevent the deceased attacker from obtaining and axe and a gun -- after he had been red-flagged -- but it did not stop him in the slightest from breaking in to the victim's house and attempting to murder her and her adult son.

Even if the red flag law did take away the firearms he had prior to being red flagged, it sure didn't stop the jerk in the slightest from getting another one, and an axe!, and then going on his murder attempt. Indeed, it probably just made him mad - and left him free to plan and go on his attack.

Red Flag laws are not the panacea they're claimed to be, and by not actually interdicting the alleged threat and leaving them free to roam and commit their violent acts, seems to be as predicted, merely feel-good gun control legislation that forgets that it is the violent person, and not the tools they might use, that are the problem. 

The further problem is this feel-good gun control legislation will also be used to trample the rights of the non-violent when used as a tool by someone with an axe to grind against them.  But when that happens, it still leaves them, and the actual violent people the law was meant to stop, free to go get an axe.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

As The (Figurative) Knives Come Out, It's Back To The Basement For Joe

When even Obama is starting to suggest Joe needs to go, you can tell the preference shift is underway and the party elite has gone from "Joe is just fine." to "How quick can he be pressured to step down?".

Democrats more and more are reading the tea leaves and the polls and realizing Joe is going to be a no-go.

So of course, in the middle of this preference shift, he conveniently comes down with Covid and instead of going to the White House (and the finest possible medical facilities close by), he goes home to the basement in Delaware. 

Well, his retreating to the basement, instead of being out in public to campaign and to be seen in person, should cut down on public gaffes and public signs of ineptness for him to campaign from the basement as he did in the last election.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Gradually, Then Suddenly

Democrats denied for years claims that Biden had cognitive difficulties.

They were agog and aghast when the special counsel noted he shouldn't be prosecuted as he's an elderly man with a poor memory. Instead they publicly all claimed he was just fine: Democrats flood the Sunday shows to insist Biden's mind is just fine.

Then after the debate, when it was abundantly clear that after the Democrats and media covering for him and making excuses for years, it couldn't be hidden any more from the public.

The Democrats went from being in lock-step and insisting that he's fine, to now a majority of Democrats wanting him to drop out.

Now it veers on a full on preference cascade for the Democrats to replace him with someone else:  The Detroit News:  Nearly two-thirds of Democrats want Biden to withdraw, new AP-NORC poll finds

The list of Democrat politicians calling for him to step aside keeps getting longer as well

So how does Joe Biden get removed from being the Democrat nominee?  As is oft then case in these situations, gradually, then suddenly.

Monday, July 15, 2024

In A Win For The Environment, Trump Chooses J.D. Vance As VP

Not a bad choice at all,  perhaps not the best, but certainly a solid choice. But, in this election, the choice of the Republican VP matters rather little.

The fact that J.D. Vance will absolutely mop the floor with Kamala Harris in the VP debate makes it a fine pick and he will be entertaining to watch doing so, but let's face it, that's a rather low bar to get over.

Well, with Trump choosing Vance, it also shows a careful eye towards preserving the environment.

This is because prior campaign signs can be easily re-used to save resources:

Well This Has Been Fun

In my absence from blogging, I took younger child to University if Florida for her orientation.  More on that later. In short, it was incredibly well organized, information flowed by the ton, and she's now really looking forward to attending and has already made new friends with some great kids.

However, at some point, whether it was during Preview, sitting in the airport, or on the plane ride home, or even in the shuttle on the way to get back to the car I got exposed to Covid.

So this is now my fourth bout of Covid. Yay.

Certainly worse than my third bout with it, which solely showed up on a test with no symptoms.

For the fourth exposure, instead of nothing, I got the ugly full on man-flu effect.  

Massive tiredness and lack of energy for the past three days, and a fever and congestion along with it.  Basically, I believed it was a flu until I did a Covid test, and that home test started glowing positive so quickly, it was impressive to watch.

Rations for the next few days will likely consist of pizza, pancakes, flounder, and whatever else is flat and can be slid under a door. 

Not pleasant, but it feels just like a flu with no more ugliness than that, and no respiratory distress.

I think I'm already starting to improve so blogging will catch up as I catch up with work etc.

Thankfully younger daughter, who was with me the entire time, has no symptoms whatsoever and likely didn't get covided. Go figure.

Sunday, July 07, 2024

The Most Dangerous Part Of Yesterday

The time Mr. B. and I were in the most danger yesterday did not take place while we were in the air.

Instead, it took place when I drove towards a solid green at the T-intersection from the south side of the airport to turn left onto the M-59 Highway.

I was in the left turn lane and starting the turn on the already solid green when Mr. B. said "look out!" I had seen it as well, and was hitting the brakes as he said it, and we came to a sharp halt.

An idiot in a Jeep had decided decided to whip through the already very, very, solid red without looking to see if anyone was coming out of the airport drive. It's not like he was running a yellow, this had already been a solid red before he got near the intersection.

This led to some incredulous looks by both Mr. B. and myself, as well as some language not appropriate for a general audience -- much of which concerned the dubious parentage and proclivities of the Jeep driver.

Had I been moving faster to make that turn, it would have been rather bad.  I then finished the turn on the green, well behind the speeding Jeep and no one else tried to bash through the light like that. The Jeep then came to a stop at the very next red light as there were already cars stopped in front of it, and the idiot driver really hadn't saved himself any time, so there's that at least. 

It was far more dangerous on the ground than in the air yesterday.

Saturday Flyday - IFR Flying With Mr. B.

This morning I got up and headed to the airport.

I was going to fly the Archer, but I don't have my key back from when i dropped the plane off at the avionics shop.

Luckily, as the conditions were pretty marginal, the non-IFR rated club member had cancelled his flight in the Dakota, so I switched  to the Dakota, did the preflight and then drove to the south side of the airport to meet Mr. B.

I filed an IFR flight plan to fly to Troy and back to Pontiac for a round robin IFR hop as the clouds kept getting lower. We then drove back to the north side. I got the plane out, picked up my clearance, and after a run-up took off flying runway heading.

We then headed up into the clouds climbing to 3,000 and headed to Troy.

Kinda soupy, but pretty smooth.

Flew to Troy and did the full procedure RNAV 10 with a circle approach and it went pretty well.  Id did a missed approach and flew the published miss and got back in connection with Detroit Approach

Then back to Pontiac and did the RNAV 27L again in the soup.

Did a very nice approach and then went to do it again.

By the third approach the clouds had lifted a bit but not much.

 Flew the approach very well and did a very nice landing.

We then put the plane away after cleaning and refueling it, and headed back to the south side so Mr. B. could get some approaches in.

It was still quite soupy at 3,000 feet. 


We then flew up to Flint and Mr. B. Flew the approaches like they were on rails.

Great Lakes Approach handled the approaches a little weirdly.  Instead of putting us on an initial approach fix, they kept vectoring us to the final approach fix.

Mr. B. broke us out perfectly lined up on Runway 27.

Mr. B. did a missed and did it again.

Then we headed back to Pontiac and Detroit Approach put us on the initial approach fix on the RNAV 27L and Mr. B. did another great approach breaking out nicely.

 And he brought it in for a great landing in a touch of a crosswind.

 After getting our approaches in, we headed to lunch at a Mexican restaurant Mexico Lindo near the airport that turned out to be really good.

It was a great morning and we're both on track with our approaches and have maintained our currency on our instrument ratings.

A great time flying with Mr. B.

That's 1.3 and three approaches and a hold for me, and a darn good landing.

Friday, July 05, 2024

A Quick And Interesting Presidential Fact

George W. Bush is today younger, at 77 years of age, than both the current incumbent, and the contender for the oval office.

His term in office as President ended 15 years ago.

Make of that what you will.

Well, You Can Forget About That 3 A.M. Phone Call

CNN: Biden tells Democratic governors he needs more sleep and plans to stop scheduling events after 8 p.m,

Thank goodness that nothing of import ever happens after 8 p.m. that might impact the running of this country.

Forget about the implications of the effort going on by Democrats now to pressure Biden to drop out of the race to save democracy after he has already been democratically selected as their candidate. 

More importantly, is Biden even capable of acting as President right now?

Thursday, July 04, 2024

Happy Independence Day!

The Declaration of Independence was passed by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776.

You can learn more about the history of Independence Day, including that it was only made a Federal holiday in 1941, here.

May you celebrate our Nation's continued independence with the appropriate beverage and vittles of your choice.

Happy Independence Day!

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Well, Bye.

Some people take politics way too seriously, not to mention letting Trump live rent-free in their heads. 

One of my dive buddies from the Blackbeard's trip,  Gio the Californian has decided he can't be my dive buddy, nor come along with me and Jay (for the record, Jay is a Democrat) on another dive trip. 

This is solely because I'm not voting for Biden.

This was done complete via a rather long screed by text, most of which had a very tenuous connection to reality and facts, but was very emotionally laden.

Likely, Gio has been taking too much marijuana and MDMA, which he extols using, which is kinda pathetic.

Ah well, no great loss, really. 

I really shouldn't dive with a flippin' drug using clownfish anyway.

That Excuse Just Won't Fly

The Detroit Free Press: President Biden blames overseas travel for disastrous debate: 'I nearly fell asleep on stage'

"I didn't have my best night," Biden told supporters. "I wasn't very smart. I decided to travel around the world a couple of times, going through I don't how many times zones.

"I didn't listen to my staff. And then I came back and I nearly fell asleep on stage," Biden said, prompting laughs from some of the donors. “It’s not an excuse but an explanation."

Except it is neither.

Biden spent 6 days at Camp David after his "travel around the world"  doing nothing but resting up and preparing for his debate performance.

The leader of the free world can't handle a debate (where he very well may have even been slipped the questions in advance) and is blaming his performance on being too tired due to travel that took place before 6 days of rest and relaxation. 

If he can't function appropriately due to being too tired after six days of rest and preparation, how the heck is he capable of handling day-to-day matters, not to mention the crises of the office?

Tuesday, July 02, 2024

There's Reasons Areas Are Closed In Detroit During The Fireworks

The Detroit Free Press: Detroiters make the best of fireworks night, but deserve more 

The author of the article bemoans that certain areas of Detroit, especially the parks by the Riverwalk, that offer prime viewing,  are closed off for viewing the fireworks for the 4th.  Verily,  he feels the parks should be opened up for viewing.

Of course, the article then states exactly why the parks are closed.  It's  because some people really can't behave and end up shooting other people during the fireworks show at those parks.

In short they may "deserve more" access but they're part of the problem for the closures.

But the Detroit Police Department offers a pretty good reason for it [the closures]:

In 2017, a 46-year-old woman was shot just before the fireworks began, struck by a bullet during a dispute that didn’t involve her near the Spirit of Detroit statue. In 2013, a 37-year old man was killed about a mile from Hart Plaza during the fireworks show. In 2011, a 16-year old girl was shot in the leg as she and her friends walked near Atwater and Beaubien near the Renaissance Center. And in 2004, nine people were shot in Hart Plaza following an argument, according to Free Press archives.

Yes, the parks are closed because the Detroit Police can't be in every park on the 4th, and it's inevitable some hoodrat is going to feel disrespected and pop off some rounds as a matter of course. 

It's a bit more of a deterrent, and perhaps less likely to happen if its near where the police actually are out in force.

Meanwhile, another Detroit Free Press Writer notes exactly why the Detroit area can't have nice things:

The Detroit Free Press: Young people fighting at metro Detroit events is ruining safety, summer

Note how he says "Young people" or "teenagers and young adults" and draw your own conclusions. 

He doesn't come out and say that it's the hoodrats and yutes from Detroit and other certain environs that are ruining the area festivals, but that's exactly who is causing the problems at these summer events.

Orchard Lake St. Mary's had to close the Annual Polish Fair, of which I have very fond memories from taking my kids there, due to hoodrats coming in and causing fights and mayhem at night, due to the excess costs for security.

We can't have nice things both in Detroit itself and its surrounding environs because some people's kids just can't behave properly, and their community isn't cracking down on them or showing them the appropriate way to behave.

Monday, July 01, 2024

Pro-Hamas Students Disrupt MSU Trustee Meeitng

So the pro-Hamas types decided to disrupt a Michigan State University Board Meeting:

The Detroit News:  Pro-Palestinian students disrupt MSU board meeting, causing most trustees to exit

Yep their chant is very coherent and oh, so inspiring:

"One, we are the people. Two, we won't stop fighting. Three, end the fighting now, now, now, now," the protesters chanted, led by MSU student activist and organizer Jesse Estrada White. 

They're certainly not "the people and they clearly don't get the inherent irony and contradiction of their "Two" followed by "Three".  

I do have to worry about the quality of MSU's education these days with this low-quality level of chanting. It's barely a step above "Neener, Neener".

Instead of walking out like weaklings, the MSU Trustees should have stood their ground and handed the disruptive idiots some green and white binkies, and told them to shut up as adults were talking.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Back From CYTZ

On Sunday we had a big family gathering and it was a lot of fun, Good to see quite a few relatives I haven't seen since pre-Covid,

So Monday, I said goodbye to everyone and got things in order to depart back to the USA.

I did the weather brief and while the wind was whipping at CYTZ it was nice and calm at Pontiac.  

I filed the electronic advanced notice, and then called CBP at Pontiac to notify them and have them approve the arrival.

I then filed gthe flight plan basically as a reverse of my journey there along a T-route:  Olamo-T781-Adrie-KPTK (Pontiac Airport). Nice and simple and it was approved.

I then got on the subway and headed to Union Station where I caught the shutle bus to Toronto Island Airport.

I then took the tunnel under the lake to the airport.

Then I went to the FBO, Stolport and paid my fuel and parking bill, and got prepared to depart. Very nice FBO and they were quite helpful.

After the preflight I started up the plane and contacted Ground.

Ground stated my flight plan had been changed.

And it was, a lot.

I then copied the clearance:  PERL.4 Departure, DERLO Transition, PICUP, OKLND ONE  Arrival.

Fun.  Thankfully, I had read the PERL.4 departure already just in case that morning and had an idea what it was.

I had to take some time programming the GPS and reviewing the route and then was ready to go.

I taxi'd to the run up area.  There were vehicles in it, which was kinda weird. Ground confirmed I was where I should be, so I did my run up, made sure all was well, and then taxi'd to Runway 26 and got a takeoff clearance.

I took off in a 15-20 gusting wind from 310, but that was fine.

As I began the PERL.4 Departure procedure, which calls for a left turning climb to 3,000 feet to EMDOS over the lake, they amended it and had me fly 210 for a bit for traffic which took me further over the Lake.

Since I'm single engine I'd rather be in easy gliding distance of land at all times if I must be over water.

They soon had me climb to 4,000, then 5,000, then 6,000, and turned me on course to continue the procedure to the transition and be on my way.  

At 6,000 there were some clouds so I got some actual IMC time.

I was in and out of IMC  but most of the time was in visual conditions. Toronto Island passed me to Toronto Terminal, and then to Toronto Control.  All very friendly folks.

The ride was very smooth, even when I was in IMC, so I even had beverage service on the flight:

Don't worry people, it's flavored water.

Crossing the border was a non-issue.

Got handed off to Selfridge just beforehand, then to Detroit Approach shortly thereafter, and I asked for the RNAV 27L and got told to go direct to LEHRA.

I then did a great approach, but it doesn't count as it was VMC conditions, and a really nice landing, probably my best one in awhile.  Likely because nobody noticed. 

I then went to the CBP inspection area at the south side of the airport by the terminal, and it was a non-issue.  I shut down, gave the officer my passport, answered a few questions, and was sent on my way.

I then got to taxi across Runways 27L and 27R and back to the hangar I went.

Total time from start to shut down was 2.0 exactly.

That was a very fun trip, my first international flight I've now flown,  and traveling by air to Toronto is now my preferred method. A definite time saver, and a lot of fun, even if the landing fee and parking fees add up.

That's 2.0 and 1 great landing.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Flying: To CYTZ In Actual IMC

Did my first international flight today.

Last night I did an outlook brief and then did the US CBP electronic paperwork for the flight.

This morning I got up, did the weather brief, filed my IFR flight plan and then called Canada Border Services to let them know I was coming.

At the airport I did a full preflight and got N914P ready to go. A good run-up and I got my clearance and departed form Runway 27L and off I went.

First I talked to Detroit Approach, who directed to climb to 5,000 feet, and then Great Lakes Approach, and finally Selfridge ANGB on the US side. 

Beautiful day for flying.

I was making good time with a nice tail wind for 162 knots over the ground.

I then crossed the border, unlike other times I've crossed at Port Huron/Sarnia, here there was no lineups, no delays and no issues.

I then got handed off to Toronto Center.

Toronto Center had me report a few waypoints and then got me on radar. I was flying the T781 T-route towards Toronto Island Airport and it made for easy routing and reporting.

Weather started getting more interesting, I started being in and out of IMC conditions at 5,000 feet flying through clouds and haze.

The clouds and haze continued and I got transferred over to Toronto Terminal and was cleared for the RNAV 8 Z   approach into Billy Bishop Airport.

The Airport with haze was going IFR and it made things interesitng. This would be my first actual IFR conditions approach done completely on my own.

The approach was neat, they had me descend to 3,000, and then I was soon down to 1,700, then 1,500, all in a haze where I could not see anything to the front of me but had ground (and lake) contact to the sides of the aircraft. I finally broke out of the haze just above minimums, and did not do the best approach I've ever done. Indeed, I got a bit behind the aircraft, but I got it handled.  No pictures as I was busy, with both finding the runway, and interestingly,  dodging sailboat masts on short final (yes, that is a real issue on this approach). Approaching Toronto Island runway 08 looked like I was landing on an aircraft carrier.

I landed without my usual grace and aplomb, but got it down in one piece, and I can reuse the aircraft, so that's something.


I then taxi'd to the FBO, Stolport, and then shut down, called Canada Border Services to report my arrival, and ended up taking to the same officer I had spoken with before I departed.  Super nice guy,  really friendly, and he got me handled and issued me an arrival number and had me on my way no problem.

That's 1.8, .8 actual, and 1 real IFR approach, an ok landing, and my first ever international flight.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Just Stop Oil Goes After Aircraft And Taylor Swift Too

Flying:  Climate Activists Vandalize Jets at Airport Where Taylor Swift’s Plane Is Parked

Apparently the security at Stansted airport in England is less than ideal. 

The JSO jerks cut a hole in the airport fence, entered and spray painted jets with orange paint.  Because nothing really helps the environment like vandalism that requires chemicals to clean up.

Now, Just Stop Oil is really playing with fire here.  Going after Taylor Swift may unleash the demonic forces of millions of outraged T-Swizzle fans on their patchouli-stinking butts.

One might almost feel sorry for the JSO jerks in such case.  Almost. But not quite. The buggers deserve what they get, and they should be getting a lot more of it.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Just Stop Oil Needs To Be Stopped

Nihilism often cannot be reasoned with, unless you call smacking the nihilists with a 2x4 to be reasoning. This is especially the case when it comes to environmentalist nihilists.

 The Detroit News: Climate protesters arrested after painting Stonehenge monument orange

One should note that the clean up and the damage to the environment from the spray paint, and the chemicals needed to remove them having to clean up after these tantrums by these "environmentalists" are harming the environment, not to mention a monument made of natural materials that has stood there for thousands of years, the very thing they claim to be all about protecting.

It's a sad commentary that these "protesters" are most likely rather privileged and wealthy ideologues.  Privileged and wealthy ideologues who have become so wealthy and privileged due to the very surplus and profits created by the same civilization and scientific advances they now despise and wish to destroy.

At some point Just Stop Oil and the other proggy enviro whackos need to be declared hostis humani generis and dealt with accordingly.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Maybe There Actually Ought To Be A Law Sometimes

Well, my fellow Michiganders, if you have a certain rather rare (at least I really, really hope this is rare) kink, you've now got a shrinking window to act on it without running afoul of the law. 

Verily, If you're a necromancer or necromaniac, or both, this new law is gonna cut down on your opportunities.  For everyone else, well, not at all.

The Detroit Free Press: Bills criminalizing necrophilia in Michigan head to Gov. Whitmer's desk

Yes, it is, to my and many other people's surprise, apparently totally legal to have an intimate relationship with a corpse in Michigan.  

At least, it currently is until this bill becomes law.

The bills, collectively known as Melody's Law, came after a west Michigan man was convicted of the December 2021 killing of 64-year-old Melody Rohrer.

Prosecutors said Rohrer was out for a walk in Van Buren County, about 15 miles southeast of Kalamazoo, when Colby Martin, 31, ran her down with his pickup truck and loaded her body into his vehicle. He later committed sexual acts with the body before dumping it in a wooded area in St. Joseph County.

A jury later convicted Martin of murder, failing to stop at the scene of a fatal crash and concealing a death. Prosecutors could not charge him with the alleged sexual crimes because Michigan, unlike many other states, had no law on the books specifically criminalizing necrophilia.

Yeah, this is certainly a weird case.

While I'm generally not one for saying "There oughta be a law",  I can understand wanting to add some extra penalties for what this murderer did and preventing such acts in the future.  

Apparently, both sides of the aisle thought so too, as the bills passed unanimously in both the Michigan House and Senate.

Father's Day Adventures

So yesterday we headed to Ann Arbor to hang spend Father's Day with Abby.

Leah declared she would chauffeur me and off we went. She's become quite a good driver so there was a minimum of screaming involved even though she really needs a bumper sticker that states "Curbs Fear Me".

We met with Abby, and we then headed off to the secret location for my Father's Day.

We drove along and soon found ourselves, to my surprise, at Willow Run Airport.

Knowing me well, they had decided to take me to The Yankee Air Museum.

So they paid the admission fee and we went in and wandered around.

Quite a few aircraft in addition to the gorgeous F-4 Phantom II are on display.


An AH-1 Cobra, a  Spad, Harrier, F-84F in Thunderbirds colors and an F-18 Hornet in Blue Angels livery, and an A-4 Skyhawk. 

There was also a nice exhibit on Rosie the Riveter and women in the war effort, as well as many other small things to see and some hands-on exhibits as well.

The kids had fun in the cockpit of the KC-135.  As they "flew", I adjusted the frequencies on the radio stack to Detroit Approach and Willow Run's Tower, and set the Nav aids for the ILS approach for accuracy.


As well as a neat display of military rations from 1907 through the issuance of the MRE.

Combat Tea apparently was a thing:

It's a very nice small museum, the docents are friendly and knowledgeable, and it was a great time.

After the museum, we headed back into Ann Arbor and went to Tomukun for Korean BBQ, which was fabulous.  They bring you the meat and you cook it at the table yourself on the table top grill.  We had the thin sliced brisket and the marinated bulgogi beef as well as veggies and some great appetizers.  Simply amazing.

I then took them out to ice cream to finish a great day.  We then walked Abby home and drove back.

A fantastic Father's Day with two of the greatest kids ever.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Saturday Fly Day

So yesterday I had planned to depart Pontiac at 9:15, in order to meet Mr. B. and Eaton Rapids Joe at Jackson for a breakfast get together.

I arrived early at the airport, entered the hangar and the lights would not turn on.   Strange.

More importantly, the hangar door would not open either.  Not good.

It turns out that all the hangars on the north side of the field had no power and maintenance was coming by with a generator to open hangars in the order that calls were received.

So, I had plently of time to preflight the aircraft with the man door open for light, and to even wax the leading edges of the plane wings, cowling and stabilator using a wax suggested by Mr. B. to make bug removal easier on my return.   Turns out it's not just good stuff, but fantastic stuff, great for your car, too.

9:15 was clearly not going to happen, so I waited patiently, got everything ready to go, and finally at around 10:10 they came by and I was able to open the hangar door, pull the plane out, close the hangar door and get on my way. I already had the ATIS for Pontiac and got moving in very short order.

I was finally airborne at 10:20. Clearly not going to arrive at the planned 10 am time.

I got flight following from Detroit from a very helpful and friendly controller and who helped me and a jet keep separation routed around some glider activity which was helpful.

See the jet in the picture? We had been on a much closer and converging course before he carefully adjusted our flight paths.  This is why flight following pays off.

Running at 130 knots indicated and 146 knots ground speed,  or a lovely 168 miles per hour, I got to Jackson in good time, and arrived to hear Mr. B's callsign on the radio.

The airport was pretty busy and the controller was doing a great job of coordinating aircraft coming in from all sides.

I was setup to land on Runway 7 and Mr. B was slotted in right behind me.  He courteously let the tower know he'd do his best not to collide with me, being a friend and all that. This was comforting.

I landed, coming in with a bit too much speed trying to move along and keep separation, so it wasn't the best landing, but I got off the runway quickly and headed to the terminal parking area, and Mr. B followed right behind.

We met up with Eaton Rapids Joe and had a great breakfast and conversation.  Always good to see them both.

Then I and Mr. B. both took off, I back to Pontiac, and he to Mr. B. Land.  We took off after a cheerful departure from Jackson Tower - the controllers there are really great folks.

I then got flight following from Great Lakes Approach that lasted for some traffic advisories for just the immediate Jackson area, and they held me at 3,500 feet to avoid traffic for a bit, and then they dumped me as VFR with no further radar services.    No handoff to Detroit or anything.  Great Lakes must have been busy with IFR services and were dumping  their VFR traffic (VFR flight following is a as available service - and  a very useful one for everyone's safety but it is as controller workload permits) as they did it to a few other planes. 

I then came into Pontiac VFR, was given a downwind entry to 27L and did a darn nice landing.

Thankfully, power had been fully restored by my return and all was well.

The bugs came off a lot easier after the wax application and I saved a fair bit of time cleaning the plane. 

It was a  gorgeous day for flying, and a very good time having a great breakfast with two real great people.

That's 1.4 and 2 landings.

Father's Day Dad Joke

Q. Where does 007 invest?

A.  In the Bond market.

Happy Father's Day to all my fellow dads out there.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Not Exactly A Statistic For Michigan To Be Proud Of

The Detroit Free Press: Michigan surpasses California as the top cannabis market in the U.S. by sales volume

Michigan with a population of 10 million surpasses California with a population of 39 million in terms of amount of marijuana sold. In terms of cash, in Michigan in total sales is a $4 billion industry compared to California's $6 billion marijuana industry as the devil's lettuce cost more in the land of fruits, nuts, and flakes.

This may account for the ever-present unpleasant smell of skunk in this state.

The article notes Marijuana is cheaper in Michigan than California as we have a better business climate so opening and operating marijuana businesses is cheaper and less tied up in red tape, and Michigan doesn't tax the electric lettuce quite as much.

That Michigan is leading in Soma purchases and consumption is hardly something to be proud of as a state, and consuming more than a state three times as large is kinda worrisome for its overall impact on the state's populace.

But, maybe it will lead to some new Michigan Visitor's Bureau slogans:

Great Lakes, Great Weed!

Pure Marijuana

Michigan - It's Dope!

All Skunk Smells Lead to Michigan!

Michigan, The Skunk State!

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

A Truly Tremendous Use of Your Federal Taxpayer Dollars

Yes,  Visit Detroit, via a grant from the Michigan Association of Convention and Visitor Bureaus, which itself got the money from Covid relief dollars, is spending a million plus to sponsor a football team to wear "Visit Detroit"  on their jerseys.

The team? Burnley FC in Burnely, England, United Kingdom.

This idea likely came up after the Visit Detroit execs were wondering how to spend their Covid funds they received before the grant ran out, and they had just watched a few episodes of Ted Lasso.

The Detroit Free Press:  Why Visit Detroit became prominent sponsor for English soccer team Burnley FC

Burnley you ask?  it's a thriving metropolis of 73,000 in Lancashire, England. Currently the team is not in the top league having been relegated. Clearly Burnley is a potential source for throngs of English visitors to come visit Detroit.  Maybe visitors will fly Emirates to get here. Nothing against Burnley mind you, it seems like a nice enough place, but for Detroit to burn through Covid funds to sponsor its football team is kinda bonkers.

The Clarets don't have quite the name recognition of say Manchester City or Arsenal, or such, being currently ranked 23rd, but when you've got a million plus you need to burn quickly, needs must and all that, wot?

Sounds like an absolutely great use of over a million dollars in Covid (federal taxpayer or debt sourced) funds.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Tuesday Fly Day - Ferry Flight To Adrian

Today after some work I left the office and headed to the airport. 

The club needed the Archer ferried to Adrian as the avionics shop had stated they were finally ready for us and had booked us to arrive today. I was originally going to fly with James, but he had a last-minute issue so I had to herd cats and find another pilot in the club to do the ferry flight. Scott was available in the afternoon, but not the early morning before work as I would have preferred,  but beggar ferry pilots can;t be choosers, so we made it happen. this afternoon.

So I flew the Dakota down, and Scott flew the Archer. We both got flight following and headed off to the southwest.

A beautiful day, but since it was the afternoon, it was rather bumpy.

Cruising in the Dakota at about 140 knots ground speed was pretty nice.

 Overflew Ann Arbor and kept clear of Detroit's Bravo airspace.

I then did a practice RNAV 23 approach visually using the autopilot in to Adrian and went to the avionics shop.

Scott in the slower Archer soon arrived and we dropped the Archer off at the shop.

We then piled back in the Dakota, and I flew us back, again getting flight following and requesting an approach in at Pontiac.

While remaining outside the Bravo, we could see Detroit Metro Airport:

As we got closer to DTW, they had me descend from 5,500 to 4,500 to be under their corridor.

I then put the foggles on and flew on instruments.  Since I had a safety pilot, might as well get in an approach that counts for currency.

We did the RNAV 27L starting at KUHNA, and it worked quite nicely, and I flew a good approach.  Scott didn't even scream once. A very nice landing which he appreciated, and that was our ferry flight. Cleaned off the bugs and we were all set.

So, we will see if Lucy will again yank away the football or if we actually get the autopilot installed this time.

That's 1.6 for free as it was a club flight, which is always the best kind of flying time. 2 nice landings, and 1 instrument approach.

Who Ya Gonna Believe?

Al Jazeera, the Qatari-based terrorist supporting "news" organization, in response to the claim that one of the kidnappers and holders of the Isralei hostages that were rescued, "journalist" Abdallah Aljamal, had any connection to him:

Yahoo: Al-Jazeera Denies Connection With Journalist Who Israel Says Held Hostages in His Home

Also Al Jazeera:

 So who ya gonna believe, Al Jazeera, or your lyin' eyes?

Monday, June 10, 2024

Meanwhile, In The USA

 We have pro-Hamas protesters defacing our national monuments:

And not being arrested for it.

Blaze Media:  Huge pro-Palestine protest surrounds White House, smoke bombs set off, progressives demand 'butcher' Biden be arrested for war crimes

PM: BREAKING: Pro-Palestinian protesters surround White House, clash with police

Interesting how it is not getting any play in my local papers today, at all. If you rely on either the Detroit News or the Detroit Free Press for your news, you would have no clue this demonstration and defacement occurred - at all.

In Michigan, meanwhile, The Goodman Acker law firm was vandalized by Pro-Hamas scum because Acker is both Jewish and on the University of Michigan Board. Non-Jewish board members did not have their workplaces vandalized - funny, that.

The College Fix: ‘Antisemitism’: U. Michigan regent’s office vandalized with pro-Palestinian graffiti 

Note the red hand symbols as part of the vandalism.

The red hands symbol is used by the pro-Hamas types use. It  commemorates the Ramallah Lynching that took place in 200 where two Israelis were murdered in a Palestinian Authority Police Station and the murdered held his bloody hands up to the window.   And of course the empty-headed Hollywood types wore it as a symbol for a ceasefire.

Yep, these are the progressive and pro-Hamas scum that the Biden Administration wants to cozy up to for votes.

Sunday, June 09, 2024

Israelis Rescue 4 Hostages - Kamala Commiserates With Hamas

Israel's National Police Hostage Rescue Unit,YAMAM, along with supporting forces, just pulled off a stunning coordinated rescue of 4 hostages in two separate locations within the Gaza Strip.

The Jerusalem Post: IDF rescues four hostages from Hamas captivity in daring Gaza operation

Now named Operation Arnon, after the 34-year old Yamam Commander Arnon Zamora killed during the rescue operation, the rescue mission successfully retrieved 4 hostages held by Hamas since October 7.  Hamas in this case includes a Hamas journalist that works for Al Jazeera and the Palestine Chronicle (a media organization with ties to the USA) who held the hostages in his house. he won;t be holding anyone hostage ever again, nor spouting propaganda anymore either.

So, of course, the Biden Administration sends Kamala out to kiss up to the pro-Hamas Islamists that they are counting on for support in November in Michigan, Minnesota and elsewhere:

Fox News: Kamala Harris mourns death of Palestinians in raid that rescued 4 Israeli hostages

Disgusting, that. 

The BBC tried to top that stupidity by asking the IDF spokesman why the IDF didn't warn the Gazans ahead of time about the raid.  Yes, the bint really seriously asked that.

Be sure to take the Hamas-run Health Ministry claims of casualties with a ton of salt. We know they lie, they know they lie, the media reporting the figures know they lie, and yet they still credulously report them, verbatim, as truth.

After all, if Hamas and Gaza doesn't want casualties, they can end this by releasing all the hostages.  If they don't want civilian casualties they can quit fighting from behind civilians and quit using "civilians" to keep the hostages prisoner.

An outstanding rescue operation by the IDF, Border Police, and intelligence agencies.

Took The Piper Dakota Flying T'Other Day

Yesterday morning I got up, did the weather brief and headed off to the airport.

After the preflight, I started up the Piper Dakota and arranged for flight following and headed to Jackson.

Flying at 4,500 feet, I had a bit of a headwind but it was very calm and beautiful out with only a light wind of about 7 knots from 260 or so.

A gorgeous day for flying. 

I flew with the autopilot, really working on gaining competency with it.  

In NAV mode it seamlessly followed the track to Jackson. And with the Alt mode enabled it captured 4,500 feet perfectly.

I then had to switch to HDG (heading) mode, as Detroit Approach routed me around an aircraft that was not communicating and seemed determined to merge with my aircraft on their radar. That worked, and after a few heading shifts I was able to get back on NAV mode to Jackson.

I then did a practice approach to Jackson's Runway 25.  Not for IFR currency, as it doesn't count, as it was clear conditions and I was the only one in the plane. But, I used it to remain sharp with the approach procedure and also to use the autopilot on the approach to gain further competency with that in a safe environment.

Autopilot worked well, and I easily adjusted the descent using the vertical speed mode to follow the approach path down and stay on the RNAV glideslope. Then I disconnected the autopilot and hand flew the last portion of the approach and did a good landing. Jackson Tower is a really friendly and hospitable controller and I passed along greetings from a Pontiac controller to the Jackson controller.

I then taxi'd to the ramp, parked the plane and headed in to the terminal building.

I then met up with Mr. B., who had also flown in for breakfast, and we had a very enjoyable time.

We each had the Pilot's Omelette and it certainly fit the bill.  It was a lot of food and real good.  Service was great, the food delightful. So, if you're ever in the Jackson area, eating at The Apron is highly recommended. 

We then preflighted our aircraft and got ready to depart.

Again the weather was nice and clear, but a tad bumpier as the ground had been heating up, and I climbed to 5,500 feet for the return trip.

I then got routed around some glider traffic, and got a practice approach for the RNAV 27L and I soon had Pontiac airport in sight (top center of the photo below).

I then got a landing clearance to be number three after a few other aircraft.  I kept on coming in, and then they cancelled my landing clearance but also told me that the aircraft would continue to hold short and I was to keep on coming in.

That was a bit confusing, as I was very much on final by that point.  So, I kept on approaching and was ready to do a go-around if I didn't get a landing clearance.

Coming up on the airport fence I then got my landing clearance and I continued the final approach to land and did a good landing.

I then put the plane away and got it refueled and washed all the bugs off, and it was the end of a very enjoyable morning. Always great to get in the air and meeting up with Mr. B. is always a good time.

That's 1.8  (1.1 there and .7 back) and 2 good landings.