Sunday, July 21, 2024

Slow Joe Had To Go

So the sun sets on Joe Biden's candidacy in the race for 2024.

From "He's Fine, He Just Had a Bad Night" to being shown the door in  less than 30 days. Even as late as Friday they were swearing he was still in the race and the nominee.

So did he fall, or was he pushed? 

The Biden White House was rather like the Kremlin with Kremlinologists being needed to track which faction was in power and setting policy behind the figurehead that was Joe Biden. This will be even more interesting as the jockeying for his replacement becomes more intense.

Interestingly, he did not immediately come out and endorse Kamala Harris in his resignation announcement.  Instead, that endorsement came later on Twitter. So probably a Kamala backer has control over the Twitter account for the moment. Or, alternatively she's being the sacrificial candidate (but with access to the money in the Biden-Harris campaign cookie jar) for what the Dems know will be a losing campaign in 2024.

It's going to be interesting to see who the Democrat party elite decides to run now that Joe has been shown the door.  Be sure to have popcorn at the ready for the Democrat convention.

The fun question that also needs to be asked is: If Joe Biden is acknowledged to no longer be fit and cannot handle running for reelection due to his age and infirmities, why the heck is he still staying on as President?

1 comment:

markshere2 said...

Stop that logical thinking!

The Overlords have taken notice and you will be monitored more closely, with eventual resettlement and extermination to be scheduled.