Thursday, July 18, 2024

As The (Figurative) Knives Come Out, It's Back To The Basement For Joe

When even Obama is starting to suggest Joe needs to go, you can tell the preference shift is underway and the party elite has gone from "Joe is just fine." to "How quick can he be pressured to step down?".

Democrats more and more are reading the tea leaves and the polls and realizing Joe is going to be a no-go.

So of course, in the middle of this preference shift, he conveniently comes down with Covid and instead of going to the White House (and the finest possible medical facilities close by), he goes home to the basement in Delaware. 

Well, his retreating to the basement, instead of being out in public to campaign and to be seen in person, should cut down on public gaffes and public signs of ineptness for him to campaign from the basement as he did in the last election.

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