Wednesday, July 03, 2024

That Excuse Just Won't Fly

The Detroit Free Press: President Biden blames overseas travel for disastrous debate: 'I nearly fell asleep on stage'

"I didn't have my best night," Biden told supporters. "I wasn't very smart. I decided to travel around the world a couple of times, going through I don't how many times zones.

"I didn't listen to my staff. And then I came back and I nearly fell asleep on stage," Biden said, prompting laughs from some of the donors. “It’s not an excuse but an explanation."

Except it is neither.

Biden spent 6 days at Camp David after his "travel around the world"  doing nothing but resting up and preparing for his debate performance.

The leader of the free world can't handle a debate (where he very well may have even been slipped the questions in advance) and is blaming his performance on being too tired due to travel that took place before 6 days of rest and relaxation. 

If he can't function appropriately due to being too tired after six days of rest and preparation, how the heck is he capable of handling day-to-day matters, not to mention the crises of the office?

1 comment:

Pigpen51 said...

Ah, but don't forget that Biden's staff says that he is "fully engaged" from 10 am until 4 pm. No wonder he spends so much time away from the White House. His job can be done from home instead of making the long commute back and forth to work.
I was alive during the Nixon Watergate scandal, and remember much of the legal proceedings that were televised. It was when I was around 12 or so. But I never felt ashamed of the country or even the Republican party the way that I feel ashamed of the country and the Democrat party.
With the news media complicit they have very nearly, if not in actuality, committed treason by covering for the apparent senility or cognitive impairment that is obviously slowly but surely taking over the mind of Joe Biden.
While I feel sorry for him, both due to his declining health and the way he has been sidestepped by the bureaucrats that are actually running things, I feel nothing but contempt for those who have perpetuated this lie of the century.
Those most responsible are the Democrat party, the legacy media, Jill Biden and of course the people who voted for him. If they continue to press for his reelection, it will be yet one more blot on the face of the great nation that once was.
Of course Trump has many character flaws himself, but I truly think that he is trying to MAGA. It of course is not only for the American people but also for himself. A reinvigorated nation only can make Trump's legacy and financial holdings more valuable.
On a different note, my wife and I went to Chicago a few weeks back and took a day long tour of the downtown Waterfront. Both from a boat and on a bus. I saw one of the Trump hotels, and was suitably impressed. The man is a builder of great things, that is certain. And the city of Chicago could be the envy of many cities of America, if they only got crime under control in other parts of the city. It can be done since the crime and blight is no longer anywhere near the Waterfront area. All it would take is the will to act and the willingness to get tough on criminals and not on things like guns, which of themselves do not cause any crime.
I doubt that it will ever happen, at least not unless they change governments to one more conservative.
Happy Independence Day. I pray for our nation and for your family that you will see much success in the coming next year of our nation.