Friday, July 05, 2024

Well, You Can Forget About That 3 A.M. Phone Call

CNN: Biden tells Democratic governors he needs more sleep and plans to stop scheduling events after 8 p.m,

Thank goodness that nothing of import ever happens after 8 p.m. that might impact the running of this country.

Forget about the implications of the effort going on by Democrats now to pressure Biden to drop out of the race to save democracy after he has already been democratically selected as their candidate. 

More importantly, is Biden even capable of acting as President right now?


juvat said...

Yep, 8PM DC is a great time to knock off working as the President. Heck it's only 8AM Beijing time! Does anything happen at that time of day?

I know that Biden is probably senile, but is there ANYONE in DC that's smart enough to figure that out?

Sure as heck doesn't seem like it. Moreover, seems like they're comfortably certain nobody else in the country can figure it out either.

Lord help us!


Aaron said...

juvat: The big question is who has been minding the store right now? The media and his party (but I repeat myself) have been covering for him and his condition for all this time.

I expect a tell-all book to come out sometime after he leaves office that describes how the White House has actually been running, and how the populace has been lied to, but for their own good.