Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Well, Bye.

Some people take politics way too seriously, not to mention letting Trump live rent-free in their heads. 

One of my dive buddies from the Blackbeard's trip,  Gio the Californian has decided he can't be my dive buddy, nor come along with me and Jay (for the record, Jay is a Democrat) on another dive trip. 

This is solely because I'm not voting for Biden.

This was done complete via a rather long screed by text, most of which had a very tenuous connection to reality and facts, but was very emotionally laden.

Likely, Gio has been taking too much marijuana and MDMA, which he extols using, which is kinda pathetic.

Ah well, no great loss, really. 

I really shouldn't dive with a flippin' drug using clownfish anyway.


Eaton Rapids Joe said...

Jeff, one of the guys I was closest to at work was diving in northern Lake Michigan when another diver had a coronary event. Diving is stressful. The other diver did not make it.

Stuff happens. Sometimes, if the other guy has excellent situational awareness it can be a great story in six months. Not very likely if you are diving with a have user of weed.

God is looking out for you.

Matthew W said...

I've had to walk away from several people in the last 4 years based on guns, China Wuhan Virus, Trump.

I don't feel bad about it at all.

MrGarabaldi said...

Hey Aaron,

I don't understand it, I have lost friends and acquaintances due to TDS, they have it and I don't. I am able to separate "meatspace" and politics but apparently they can't. oh well their loss. One posted a long screed on farcebook of all places and I was "well ok" and the guy got savaged by my other friends because he couldn't separate friendship and politics. It popped up on my reminder feed several months ago, go figure,lol. I surmise when being is lefty is all you believe in because you don't have a higher power except the progressive causes to believe in and it is your "Baal" I suppose, and it requires full fealty and worship, pretty sad life.

juvat said...

I think I'd take this approach to the loss. Better to realize he doesn't like you our your political viewpoint above the water rather than below. You might accidentally have an accidental incident which proved fatal even though your dive partner got through unscathed.
Just sayin' Whacko's gotta wacko.


Aaron said...

Eaton Rapids Joe: Very true. He was always the third in the dive group on the liveaboard, and we normally had him along for the ride rather than depending on him as a dive buddy.

Matthew W: Yep, it's unfortunate some people can no longer handle being adults in life.

MrGarabaldi: Yep they are rather wrapped uo in it. They're often simple minded people and fed hysteria like Trump, if elected will destroy democracy", "Trump, if elected will destroy the environment", "Trump, if elected will destroy the world!". Kinda pathetic but that's where they are.

If you're not with them 100% and buy into their denseness, then you're against them and must be removed.

Juvat: That is a consideration, especially that he;s proving to be this unhinged. Then again, I'm a much better diver than he is, and such an incident would not work out like he might intend in such a case.

Rick T said...

If Gio is dumb enough to use and dive you are better off without him. His inevitable 'diving accident' will just be Evolution in Action.

If he is that vocal about his drug use I'm surprised he hasn't been blackballed by the dive operators.

Beans said...

What Rick said about the dive operators.

You can't trust someone screwing around with drugs. Especially on deep dives. Dive buddies have to have their mental stuff straight or bad things happen.

My dad wouldn't dive with someone going through a bitter divorce for that reason. Focus needs to be on the technical aspects of the dive and then the surroundings. People who forget the technical aspects tend to have... issues, like not realizing they're out of air or that they don't have enough weight on or other things like that.

As to TDS sufferers, back after the election in 2016 I was attacked, physically and verbally, by someone who I thought my friend. Totally unprovoked, yet she jumped me. Last I've seen of her, good riddance.

Aaron said...

Rick : I don't think he was using during the Bahamas liveaboard - they have a quite strict no drugs policy including no marijuana. The fact that you can end up in a Bahamas jail (which is apparently not a nice place) and every other diver on the trip would be looking to kill you as the entire trip would be cancelled in such circumstance is also a good deterrent. But yes, certainly better off without him and never relied on him as a buddy even when diving with him as a third.

Beans: Yep, I'm absolutely much better off diving with more serious and stable divers. This TDS stuff is a definite sign of emotional instability and immaturity, and you don't want that in a dive buddy.