Monday, June 10, 2024

Meanwhile, In The USA

 We have pro-Hamas protesters defacing our national monuments:

And not being arrested for it.

Blaze Media:  Huge pro-Palestine protest surrounds White House, smoke bombs set off, progressives demand 'butcher' Biden be arrested for war crimes

PM: BREAKING: Pro-Palestinian protesters surround White House, clash with police

Interesting how it is not getting any play in my local papers today, at all. If you rely on either the Detroit News or the Detroit Free Press for your news, you would have no clue this demonstration and defacement occurred - at all.

In Michigan, meanwhile, The Goodman Acker law firm was vandalized by Pro-Hamas scum because Acker is both Jewish and on the University of Michigan Board. Non-Jewish board members did not have their workplaces vandalized - funny, that.

The College Fix: ‘Antisemitism’: U. Michigan regent’s office vandalized with pro-Palestinian graffiti 

Note the red hand symbols as part of the vandalism.

The red hands symbol is used by the pro-Hamas types use. It  commemorates the Ramallah Lynching that took place in 200 where two Israelis were murdered in a Palestinian Authority Police Station and the murdered held his bloody hands up to the window.   And of course the empty-headed Hollywood types wore it as a symbol for a ceasefire.

Yep, these are the progressive and pro-Hamas scum that the Biden Administration wants to cozy up to for votes.


B said...

And even if they bother to arrest someone, it won't be a "Hate Crime"?

Aaron said...

Mr. B.: Not holding my breath for the progressive prosecutor to charge these "progressives" effectively, nor for much of an effort to arrest the scum.