Sunday, June 09, 2024

Took The Piper Dakota Flying T'Other Day

Yesterday morning I got up, did the weather brief and headed off to the airport.

After the preflight, I started up the Piper Dakota and arranged for flight following and headed to Jackson.

Flying at 4,500 feet, I had a bit of a headwind but it was very calm and beautiful out with only a light wind of about 7 knots from 260 or so.

A gorgeous day for flying. 

I flew with the autopilot, really working on gaining competency with it.  

In NAV mode it seamlessly followed the track to Jackson. And with the Alt mode enabled it captured 4,500 feet perfectly.

I then had to switch to HDG (heading) mode, as Detroit Approach routed me around an aircraft that was not communicating and seemed determined to merge with my aircraft on their radar. That worked, and after a few heading shifts I was able to get back on NAV mode to Jackson.

I then did a practice approach to Jackson's Runway 25.  Not for IFR currency, as it doesn't count, as it was clear conditions and I was the only one in the plane. But, I used it to remain sharp with the approach procedure and also to use the autopilot on the approach to gain further competency with that in a safe environment.

Autopilot worked well, and I easily adjusted the descent using the vertical speed mode to follow the approach path down and stay on the RNAV glideslope. Then I disconnected the autopilot and hand flew the last portion of the approach and did a good landing. Jackson Tower is a really friendly and hospitable controller and I passed along greetings from a Pontiac controller to the Jackson controller.

I then taxi'd to the ramp, parked the plane and headed in to the terminal building.

I then met up with Mr. B., who had also flown in for breakfast, and we had a very enjoyable time.

We each had the Pilot's Omelette and it certainly fit the bill.  It was a lot of food and real good.  Service was great, the food delightful. So, if you're ever in the Jackson area, eating at The Apron is highly recommended. 

We then preflighted our aircraft and got ready to depart.

Again the weather was nice and clear, but a tad bumpier as the ground had been heating up, and I climbed to 5,500 feet for the return trip.

I then got routed around some glider traffic, and got a practice approach for the RNAV 27L and I soon had Pontiac airport in sight (top center of the photo below).

I then got a landing clearance to be number three after a few other aircraft.  I kept on coming in, and then they cancelled my landing clearance but also told me that the aircraft would continue to hold short and I was to keep on coming in.

That was a bit confusing, as I was very much on final by that point.  So, I kept on approaching and was ready to do a go-around if I didn't get a landing clearance.

Coming up on the airport fence I then got my landing clearance and I continued the final approach to land and did a good landing.

I then put the plane away and got it refueled and washed all the bugs off, and it was the end of a very enjoyable morning. Always great to get in the air and meeting up with Mr. B. is always a good time.

That's 1.8  (1.1 there and .7 back) and 2 good landings.

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