Saturday, August 07, 2021

Thunder Over Michigan 2021

The air show, while rather different from previous years, was still quite a show.

In short it was a lot shorter as I only had a ticket for the morning show.  The updside to viewing the show form beside your car is all your gear, food etc was close at hand.  The downside was good shots were often hard to get due to being blocked by other people's vehicles or people standing up in their truck beds etc and not being able to get to the front of the viewing area but being stuck viewing from where you were parked.

We could however walk and see the static displays before the show, which were a lot thinner than in normal years, butt here will still things to see.

Much more to report and some great pictures to show.

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Nice! That was a fun little formation... LOL Mustang going like a bat out of hell, and the F-35 trying it's damnest to not stall...