Saturday, August 14, 2021

A Couple Decent Movies For Your Consideration

Went to the movies for the opening night of Free Guy.

The theater was almost empty, whether due to people forgetting there are movie theaters, or overblown fear of Covid, we got some excellent seats, but for an opener it was pretty much abandoned with at most 12 people in the whole theater.

On the upside, no one was chatting during the film, no obstructed views from people spreading out, nor anyone obnoxiously playing on their phones.  As such the few people there enjoyed the movie.

Ryan Reynolds, as is pretty much always the case with Ryan Reynolds,  delivered an excellent and fun comedic performance and really made the movie. 

Worth seeing and a lot of fun, quite a few laugh out loud moments, and a great summer flick.  No really serious message just a nice leave your mind behind and enjoy kind of film.

The movie delivers only one silly swipe at "gun violence" but hey, its Hollywood and they have to get some culture war nonsense in somewhere, but it doesn't overly detract from an otherwise solid action comedy that basically is Hollywood's obsession with showing gun violence writ large.

Then on Amazon Prime there's We Still Kill The Old Way

The movie is free to Prime subscribers and well worth the watch.

Ian Ogilvy delivers a superb performance as a older, urbane, and very stylish retired gentleman gangster.  He's brought back into it when his brother is killed by a bunch of today's youthful unrefined yobbos tearing up the East End of London.

It's a rather stylish movie that demonstrates why the adage “Beware of an old man in a profession where men usually die young." is a thing.

In short, the movie has age, cunning, style, and experience tear a swath through a gang of youthful vulgar toughs in a very smart, satisfying, and very, very, British manner.

Not one to be missed.


Beans said...

In regards to We Still Kill the Old Way, it's why "The Equalizer" tv show, the old one, not the new dog squeeze one, was so good. Old retired fart just decided to make a difference, and has the knowledge and equipment to do so. Good show.

Aaron said...

Beans: Yep, the Equalizer series remake, like most remakes Hollywood and the studios are coming out with is garbage and a lousy attempt at an imitation of what made the original worth watching.

Weetabix said...

Now, I have to watch "We Still Steal The Old Way."