Monday, August 09, 2021


So the Earth has now gone around the sun forty-nine times now that I've been upon it.

This birthday began as all birthdays do in our household - with a cherry cheesecake.

We did have a candle shortage though, but they made do, so I didn't have to blow out 49 candles nor have all the smoke alarms go off in the house.

Now to do a bit of work and then we have an outing this afternoon to an undisclosed (at least to me so far) location.


juvat said...

Happy Birthday, Aaron!

AKA "Youngster"!

We'll readdress that appellation this time next year.

Old NFO said...

Happy birthday, Aaron!

Midwest Chick said...

Happy Birthday Aaron!!

Aaron said...

juvat: Thanks! The kids have already rescinded my youngster card, but I suspect next year makes it official.

Old NFO: Thank you!

Midwest Chick: Thanks!