Tuesday, May 10, 2022

FAA Having Solved All of Aviation's Problems, Goes A Bit Woke

The FAA under Biden is getting a tad woke.

The NOTAM, the Notices To Airmen has now been changed to be more gender inclusive, as one can't have Airmen refer to all aviators as a default, that's no longer appropriate don'cha know.

Instead it's now Notices To Air Missions.

Yes, it's now a notice to an inanimate object "Air Missions" rather than actual to persons, the pilots, who are charged with knowing the contents of said notices before every flight.

Rather dumb. Such a good thing we changed it though as another step for gender equality right? Was there a huge protest demanding such a change that everyone missed somewhere rather than the really important stuff the FAA does like education, safety regulation, and enforcement? Did nothing else need to be done around the office that day?

Such a lost opportunity.  They could have been far more gender inclusive and still referred to people rather than an object by changing it, if they really felt they had to do so, to:

Notices To Aviating Miscreants; or

Notices To Alcoholic Muppets; or

Notices To Aspiring Millionaires (Q: How do you make a small fortune in aviation?  A: Start with a large one); or

Notices To Awesome Mankind (Pilots are by definition one of the awesome-est portions of mankind extant - don't believe me? Ask a pilot and they'll tell you); 


Notices To Aeronautical Monkeys - Yes, with enough time you could probably teach a monkey to fly, or it could be that humans, especially the flying sort, are kinda monkey-like (especially the alcohol imbibing ones above), you can take your pick.

Notice To Air Missions not only lacks style and flair, but it just sounds flat as heck and seems like a silly name-change pulled out of a hat for no better reason then to proclaim how gender-sensitive the FAA is now.


MrGarabaldi said...

Hey Aaron;

Well we call the FAA the "Friends Against Aviation" for a reason you know...I'm sure any director hoping to survive in the hyper woke atmosphere of D.C on the Potomac is doing anything to make a name for themselves.

B said...

"We're not happy until you're not happy