Wednesday, May 08, 2024

Hamas Agreed To A Ceasefire Proposal It Negotiated Without Israel

While Hamas trumpeted to the world, right after it rocketed and mortared the Kerem Shalom crossing from Rafah, that it had (finally) accepted a ceasefire proposal, that proposal had not come from Israel nor had Israel agreed to it.

In reading the text of the proposal that Hamas has loudly agreed to, a cursory reading shows that it quite simply sucks.

Heck, this proposal doesn't just suck, it's well nigh ridiculous, and that the Biden Administration would seriously back this show's they're getting desperate to get a win back the Islamist and progressive votes that are threatening not to vote for him if he doesn't side with Hamas.

This proposal sure as heck sides with Hamas:

The main outrage is this proposal for the initial release of hostages:

During the first phase, Hamas shall release 33 Israeli captives (alive or dead), including women (civilians and soldiers), children (under the age of 19 who are not soldiers), those over the age of 50, and the sick, in exchange for a number of prisoners in Israeli prisons and detention centres, according to the following [criteria]:

  • Hamas shall release all living Israeli captives, including civilian women and children (under the age of 19 who are not soldiers). In return, Israel shall release 30 children and women for every Israeli detainee released, based on lists provided by Hamas, in order of detention.
  • Hamas shall release all living Israeli captives (over the age of 50), the sick, and wounded civilians. In return, Israel shall release 30 elderly (over 50) and sick prisoners for every Israeli captive, based on lists provided by Hamas, in order of detention.
  • Hamas shall release all living Israeli female soldiers. In return, Israel shall release 50 prisoners (30 serving life sentences, 20 sentenced) for every Israeli female soldier, based on lists provided by Hamas.

Note well the alive or dead part. Hamas apparently added that part.

So all Hamas has to do is turn over 33 dead bodies and it gets back 30-50 live terrorists for each of the 33 bodies - including 30 of those being returned currently doing life sentences which don't get handed out in Israel for nothing - we're talking murderers and mass murderers here.

That alone would and should be a non-starter in any sane person's mind for the deal. Pity Israel can't respond back by saying that it will return 30-50 "alive or dead for each hostage Hamas hands over, but the world would have a massive fit - while they think Hamas offering this is just fine.

It also requires from the outset an Israeli withdrawal and giving up the positions it has taken in Gaza, which frees up Hamas movement to establish its terrorist infrastructure.

-[Herein] a temporary cessation of military operations between the two parties, and the withdrawal of Israeli forces eastward and away from densely populated areas to a defined area along the border all along the Gaza Strip (including Wadi Gaza, known as the Netzarim Corridor, and Kuwait Roundabout, as below).

On top of that, it requires Israel not to perform reconnaissance flights over Gaza so Israel can't see what Hamas is doing and reforming during the ceasefire as they prepare to attack Israel again.

-All aviation (military and reconnaissance) in the Gaza Strip shall cease for 10 hours a day, and for 12 hours on the days when captives and prisoners are being exchanged.

The proposal is ridiculous.  It's designed to let Hamas, the aggressor and the loser in this war dictate terms and claim that it has won and get terorists back in exchange for bodies.

Hamas trumpeting that it had agreed to the proposal after consistently rejecting any reasonable ceasefire deal is a PR stunt for the credulous to make Hamas look good and allow pressure to be placed on Israel to accept such a ridiculous deal on the grounds that Hamas has accepted it.


B said...

That's pretty much all palestininas (not all, I DO know of some honorable ones, but the percentage is small.

They Always look and act tough until they get their backs against a wall, then they cry for help and "Negotiate"...and act as if they should be able to set the terms.....Be it a street fight or something like this.

They can't be trusted, they can't be relied upon to keep their word.....Weasels and cowards.

I should stop here before I say something bad about them.

Chuck Pergiel said...

No, "the world would have a massive fit", just the scum sucking weasels who run the propaganda mills. Given all the noise they make it's hard to tell that they are a small minority, but they are.