Thursday, May 02, 2024

Blackbeards Recap 4 - Diving With The Sharks

The next day we got up and dove the Monolith.

Monolith is a great wall dive that looks like it can go down forever.

 There were lionfish  at 100 feet.

A nice dive to a max of 101 feet with an average of 57 feet.

After the Monolith, we motored to our next dive site, Split Coralhead.

 The crew put the shark feeding hats went on, signaling the fun was about to begin.

It was Shark Feeding Dive time!

It would be a group entry, with everyone prepped in their gear lined up and ready to go at both exit points from the boat, and dropping into the water via negative entries in the shortest time possible.

At 50 feet we would be kneeling on the bottom watching the sharks get fed.

The sharks knew we were coming and were already circling to meet us for a meal.

We all got into position, then the chiumsicle was brought in and the fun began.

Much Shark feeding then took place, along with swarms of hungry jacks.

After the feed, we got to swim around the reef and see some of the sharks up close.


It was a great 47-minute Shark dive with the feeding frenzy itself lasting around 14 minutes. Getting back on the boat with the sharks circling around below was a rather fun feeling, but they were content after the feeding and didn't bother any of us lined up waiting on the tagline to get back on the boat.

We then dove the Cannonball reef. 

This was a nice shallow dive with a max depth of 25 feet and average of 20 feet and we got a solid hour bottom time.

Not too much to see except for typical reef fish after the action of the shark dive, but it was a nice relaxing dive indeed. 

There were a couple highlights, including a good looking triggerfish there.

 It wasn't triggered, which is good as there have been more divers bit by triggerfish than by sharks and triggerfish bites can hurt.

We also found out that fish do grow on trees!

On top of that, there was a cool puffer-fish in the area

After an hour dive, everyone was quite chilled at that point and then getting out of the water with a very cold wind and air temps in the low 60s it felt even worse.  As a result, all but 4 divers who were doing their advanced certification on the boat skipped the night dive.

I almost went but both my buddies bailed and convinced me that there wasn't anything too special about the dive site worth getting even more chilled for.  Then they plied me with beer,  and then the rum punch called, and all the divers not diving had one heckuva fun party on deck. 

That was a darn good end to the day.

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