Tuesday, May 14, 2024

From Car Meme To Reality

You've likely seen this meme about the wisdom of placing decorative items on your steering wheel:

Most people would chuckle at the pic thinking people can't really be that dumb.

They would be mistaken. 

Apparently, people putting objects over their steering wheel airbags is a real current concern.

The Detroit News: Feds urge people not to put decals on steering wheels after a driver is hurt by flying metal pieces

The warning from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration comes after another driver was severely hurt by a flying emblem during a crash. The air bag inflated and sent two pieces of metal from an aftermarket decal into the driver's face and neck.

The agency said it couldn't say where or when the injury occurred. But it said the injury was the second it is aware of involving an aftermarket decal. In the previous case the driver lost sight in one eye after being hit by a rhinestone-adorned decal that hit them in the face, NHTSA said in a statement Tuesday.

Yeah, that's gonna hurt. 

Placing any object - whether metal, stone or otherwise, over the casing of an airbag that will move towards you rapidly and with explosive force during an accident is just a stupid idea.


juvat said...

You just can't fix stupid. It's enamored with cute!

Rick T said...

The people that believe in crystal energy etc are too stupid to realize they have a bomb under that cover that will blow up in their face if they hit something hard enough. Same problem with the passengers who put both feet up on the dashboard.

You can't fix stupid but we all have to pay their medical bills when they get maimed by their own stupidity.

Aaron said...

juvat: Yep, and stupid hurts.

Rick T: Yep people really can be that stupid, and even get away with it for awhile. You;re right that they often spread out the cost of their stupidity and don't fully pay it themselves.