Wednesday, January 11, 2023

FAA No-NOTAM, Plus New Charting Woes

By now everyone has heard about the FAA's NOTAM system failure.

But, that's not the only failure committed recently by the FAA.

If you recently updated Foreflight or other flying app, you'll notice after updating and getting the latest download that there is a change to the FAA Sectional data.

Stuff is missing that used to be on the sectionals.

Important stuff like frequencies and data for Canadian airspace. One problem among many is some Canadian Class D and other Airspace can overlap into Michigan airspace, and if you don't have that Class D's tower frequency, that airspace is now off limits to you.

This is also dumb as now if you overfly Canadian airspace you'll need Canadian charts to find and tune in the frequencies to monitor traffic when before   you did not and could do your US to US flight without needing to buy Canadian charts.

This decision is not an accident. This is a deliberate and stupid deletion.

This is impressively dumb and apparently it is because the FAA doesn't want to handle the data anymore after all these years of doing it.

AvWeb:  FAA Deletes Foreign Information From Sectionals

Maybe take the DEI out of the FAA and put the resources into some competency, OK?


Rick T said...

Did you see the DEI rename? It isn't Notice to Air Men now.

Notice to Air Missions

Nothing too trivial for MiniTru to adjust...

Old NFO said...

It's all good until somebody dies... sigh

Aaron said...

Rick T: Yep I blogged about the stupidity of it back in May 2022 when the change was first announced. Clearly they should have spent the money and time on fixing the system rather than all that time and money (and liekly consultants) to come up with the useless name change, eh?

Old NFO: Yep, there is that. Sigh indeed.