Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Tuesday Tip: Don't Give Your Children Unfortunate Names: Part II

Continuing a helpful series for parents-to-be, the tip for today is:

Don't give your child a cutesy name that even you cannot remember how to spell.

Yes, in this case, the parents actually messed up and filled out their own child's name wrong on a bunch of legal forms.

Dad insisted it was correct.  Mom said it didn't look right, and they had to text their child to get the spelling confirmed.

The tip:  If you can't remember if you threw in double LLs or Double NNs into your child's name unnecessarily to make it all cute and distinct and stuff, maybe you shouldn't add them.

Turns out it was double NNs and not the double LLs as it had been entered on the form.

Just don't.

1 comment:

pigpen51 said...

I was in line at the Sec. of State a number of years ago, while behind me were two African American women, speaking about a relatives newborn girl. The relative named her Chloe, my granddaughter's name. The women were not impressed by the name. One of them said " why would she name her baby girl a plantation name?"
I never understood just why they liked the strange names that they used. That was when I understood it. I didn't think it made any sense, but I understood it.