Thursday, March 03, 2022

Go Home Huff Po, You're Drunk, Or Stoned, Or Both

Progressive media gets all sorts of strange sometimes.

The proggies' obsession with the chimera of Climate Change can take them to some really bad places. 

For example this article from the HuffPost with its hopeful sounding headline and serious article that they decided was worth running with:

Could A Small Nuclear War Reverse Global Warming?


This is rather insane, and almost as helpful as the Biden administration's update to a nuclear war survival guidelines to add Covid avoidance advice after a nuclear bomb blast.

A quick tip:  Both Covid and Global Warming will be, if they are not already, of extremely low actual concern after an actual nuclear war. 

Let's also note that Global Cooling so helpfully recounted in the article as a likely outcome of a nuclear war, was roundly stated to be a bad thing (and a reason for Western unilateral disarmament as pushed by the Progressive Left back then).  Remmeber the projected horros of Nuclear Winter?

This lasted until the Left jumped on the Global Warming band wagon, which has since been reformulated as unfalsifiable Climate Change to sell better.

Not sure what they're smokin' and drinkin' at the Huff Po but it's rather potent and packed with progressive fantasies.


Nuke Road Warrior said...

"Small Nuclear War," talk about your oxymoron (with emphasis on the "moron" part).

Old NFO said...

Vert der furk???

Aaron said...

Nuke Road Warrior: Yep, its an oxymoron and the HuffPo seems to be published by morons if they're coming up with this kind of nonsense.

Old NFO: I know, right? That they chose to run with it shows one helluva major synapse gap.