Saturday, March 19, 2022

CNN Covers For Kamala

CNN continues the effort to burnish Kamala's image,trying to paint her as a great success on the world stage, ignoring or straight-out lying about all evidence to the contrary.

 CNN: Harris avoids public discord in one of the most intense moments of her vice presidency

 Like most of her events, Harris' trip was tightly scripted. Only an arch aside to the Polish President when he kept asking her to answer first during a joint news conference -- "A friend in need is a friend indeed," she said, laughing slyly -- generated some criticism, since the question was about refugees.

Come on now CNN, that was no "arch aside" nor a "sly laugh".  

That was a full-on Kamala Kackle of nervous laughter where she had no idea how to answer the question:

Who ya gonna believe, CNN or your own lyin' eyes (and ears)?

At least they admit it's tightly scripted, they wouldn't want her having a deer-in-the-headlights look she has so often displayed, combined with her prior word salad non-answers she's used before, now would they?

Let's note they didn't even cover her mis-tweet about Ukraine being a NATO member.  That's rather important.   What a major public official has to say and even suggest that Ukraine is considered a NATO member can have major consequences.  Consider that one of Russia's top reasons for the invasion was that Ukraine would join NATO, saying it is a member by the VP of the United States on a public forum could escalate matters.

They also overlooked her speaking flub about Poland being on NATO's northern flank.

Her explanation of the invasion also clearly shows she's ready for prime-time:

I suspect it's going to take a whole lot more effort to buff her image and depict her as ready for the top spot.  But, you gotta admit the media and Democrats (but I repeat myself) are doing their damnedest to do it in the face of all Kamala-based evidence to the contrary.


Matthew W said...

That was a Kackle.
Thought it would be impossible to have a dumber VP than Biden, but this one goes to "11".

ccm2361 said...

She is the very definition of "empty suit"