Tuesday, September 12, 2023

The Value Of An American Hostage

Just went way up to to $1.2 Billion.

The AP: US moves to advance prisoner swap deal with Iran and release $6 billion in frozen Iranian funds

Biden just paid $6 Billion  and five Iranians we held (identities and what they did that we're holding them is not disclosed but likely  espionage and teorrism) for 5 Iranian-Americans who were jailed while visiting/living in Iran.  

Whoever on the American side that was negotiating this deal needs to, at the very least, resign in absolute shame.  This was not a negotiation but an abject surrender.

It is, however, a great return on investment for the mullahs, who have already indicated they will spend the money on whatever they want, contrary to Biden's assurance that the money would be only used for "humanitarian" needs - which ignores that money is fungible.

In short, Biden just gave in to a terrorist state and criminal actor, and has funded a heckuva whole lot more terrorism.  - and the Biden Administration  announced the deal formally on 9/11 no less. Great job displaying abject surrender there folks.

Talk about perverse incentives and encouragement for the Iranians and everyone else to take Americans hostage in the future.  

We certainly should, at the very least,  ban American citizens going to Iran in the first place to at a minimum quit making it so easy for Iran to get a payday.

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