Saturday, September 16, 2023

Happy Rosh Hashanah 5784!

Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, starts today. This day marks the beginning of the year 5784 of the Hebrew calendar.

The Jewish New Year, while celebrated with joy, is also a time for reflection and repentance for transgressions and regrets for what was done or undone in past years.

Shana Tova Umetukah (A Good and Sweet Year) to all of my readers!


pigpen51 said...

A blessed coming year to you and your loved ones also. I admit that I don't know enough about the Hebrew traditions, including their calendar, festivals and other things that are important to their faith. But I rejoice with them, and have been a very strong supporter of the nation of Israel since my youth.
I am a Christian who tends to have opinions about the Jewish people and their relationship to the world, than many others. This is based solely on the things that I have read about them in the Bible, the Old Testament, especially what we call the Pentateuch. I believe that the nation of Israel is God's chosen people, and He has special plans for them in the end times, that will elevate them back to where they once were, but lost that place due to their own stubbornness and lack of faith.
As I said, I have many opinions that others do not share, even other Christians, who would like to have one foot in the church and one foot in the world. Just one example is that I believe in what many call a new earth, as opposed to an earth of some billions of years of age. I base this again on the Bible and the timeline that can be pieced together using said timeline. I think that the earth is likely about 6000 years old. During creation, I believe that a day is just that one day.
One day, I hope that we will all learn the truth together. Again blessings to you and yours.

Aaron said...

pigpen51: Thank you, and to you and yours as well!