Monday, April 18, 2022

Tax Day

While a fine is a tax for doing bad, a tax is a fine for doing good.

If that's truly the case, we were rather good this year. As a result, we're paying for it.  Between the two of us this year, we paid more in state and federal income taxes than the salary from my first full time job.  Ouch. We won;t even discuss property taxes, sales taxes, cell phone taxes, and gas taxes . . .

Elections really should be held the day after Tax Day when people realize how much of their money they're giving to the government and they can consider what they and the nation receive in return.


B said...

I've always felt that if people paid their tax rather than having it withheld by the employer it would greatly change our government.

Aaron said...

B: Yes, withholding rules allows the governments to hide the true amount of money being taken and hides the pain of the taxes being levied.