Monday, April 11, 2022

Ramadan Hostility Scoreboard: Now With Vandalism of Holy Sites

They really have little respect for their own holy sites (cf their using mosques to store weapons and ammunition, shoot from etc), and pretty much none for other people's.

The Times Of Israel: Palestinians vandalize, set fire to Joseph’s Tomb; PM decries ‘shocking destruction’

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett joined the condemnation on Sunday of the overnight arson and vandalism of Joseph’s Tomb near the West Bank city of Nablus, saying he was appalled by the images of the damage to the shrine.

“During the night Palestinians destroyed Joseph’s Tomb. Dozens of Palestinian rioters in a campaign of destruction simply violated a holy place for us, the Jews,” Bennett said at the start of the cabinet meeting.

“They broke the tombstone on the grave, set fire to rooms in the compound — I saw the pictures and was shocked,” he said.

 The Tomb is located in Area A, under the jurisdiction of the Palestinians, whom seem to have no interest in protecting it, even as they lie and claim its not Joseph's tomb but instead they claim it belongs to some Muslim sheikh.

If they even believed it was true that it was a Muslim sheik's tomb, one wonders why the Palestinians are so eager to vandalize and try to destroy it?

So far there's been multiple Islamist terrorist attacks in Israel this year, and I expect further Islamist attacks to spread around the world this Ramadan season.

1 comment:

ProudHillbilly said...

I'm a little puzzled - given the connection to Abraham, wouldn't Joseph be special to Muslims too?