Friday, December 31, 2021

2021 New Year Resolutions - How They Went, How They're Going

Well, as 2021 draws to a close, let's see how close I got to meeting my 2021 New Year's Resolutions:

1.  Shoot More and Shoot Better: I resolve to take at least three shooting classes this year, and shoot in at least five USPSA matches.   I will also at least 3 times a week do a dryfire session. This should make me suck somewhat less as a shooter. Goal would be to be able to perform the brown belt level MSP standards on demand. Stretch goal would be to be able to perform the black belt level MSP standards on demand, which is pretty darn spicy for me right now.

Result: I took 4 classes this year (Dave Spaulding's  Adaptive Combat Pistol; MDFI Low Light Handgun; MDFI Foundation Carbine; MSP Red Dot Pistol;  and I did shoot in way more than 5 USPSA matches. I did improve and do shoot better than last year, so that's something.

But, I did not consistently practice dry-fire 3 times a week though. Did not get to the level of proficiency to be able to perform the black belt level MSP standards on demand or otherwise, though have occasionally had met the individual standards in practice, which doesn't count.

2. Fly More and Fly Better: I want to fly at least double the amount of hours I flew this year.  I also will earn my instrument rating.  Never hurts to be a more proficient and capable pilot and I need to fly more.

Result:  Did fly way more than double what I flew last year.  Highlight was taking youngest daughter to Mackinac Island which was awesome. I have definitely become a more proficient and capable pilot.

Did not earn my instrument rating in 2021. Grumble, grumble.

3. Stick with Jiu Jitsu and do Jiu Jitsu Better:  Do a minimum of three sessions per week.  Work on improving current techniques and learning new ones. Good for both physical fitness and overall well-being.

Result: Was pretty consistent going 3 times per week and occasionally more. Did improve existing techniques quite a bit, and learned quite a few new techniques. Did earn a stripe on the Blue Belt.

Overall Resolution Accomplishments: Not bad.

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