Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Brown Wins in MA - First Republican Senator From Massachusetts in 37 years!

Since 1972, MA has had two Democrat Senators.

Not anymore.

Democrats seek back footing after epic loss in Massachusetts election Yes it was an epic victory when you consider that Brown started with no national Republican support against an entrenched Democrat establishement.

In one of the country's most traditionally liberal states, Brown rode a wave of voter anger to defeat Coakley, the attorney general who had been considered a surefire winner until just days ago. Her loss signaled big political problems for Obama and the Democratic Party this fall when House, Senate and gubernatorial candidates are on the ballot nationwide.
To have it most simply put, voters, even in Massachussets of all places, decided Obama and the Democrats were pushing too far left, too fast and taking the nation down with them.

A special thanks to the voters of Massachussets today for making a great decision and trusting the Republicans to put things right. Here's to hoping Brown and the Republicans are worthy of that trust. If they are, expect a massive sea change in Congress in 2010.

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