Thursday, May 20, 2021

Happy 25th Anniversary To Us!

Today marks 25 years since I tied the knot.

25 years of marriage.  Kinda hard to wrap my mind around it.

25 years ago we said "I do", and we did.  We haven't done too bad a job so far, starting from little in a studio apartment and student loans to a home and two great kids and careers.  Ups and downs as you may imagine, but it's been more ups together than downs, so it all evens out positively.

More than 50% of my life has been spent being married to the most wonderful woman I know.

While we were going to do a cruise to celebrate our anniversary,  the world shutting down has kinda got in the way of that plan.  Maybe next year.

So instead, we'll be hanging out closer to home. 

I'm going to take her out during the day to a botanical garden she likes, then to a nice lunch, and then out for dinner to one of her favorite restaurants where we will eat outside on a patio overlooking a lake.  Not as nice, nor as memorable as a cruise, but we'll make do.


B said...

Quite the accomplishment.

ProudHillbilly said...

Happy anniversary!

Aaron said...

B: Thanks!

ProudHillbilly: Thanks!