Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Gov Half-Whit Caught (Again) Breaking Her Own Rules

Verily, laws are for the little people, not for one so important as our governor, especially when it's her own rules that she's breaking.

So, what happens when you get caught violating your own Covid-19 restrictions?

Why, you just say oops, and then you drop the rule:

The Detroit News:  Michigan's 6-person restaurant, bar rule rescinded after Whitmer's violation

The epidemic rules released by the state Department of Health and Human Services Monday have dropped requirements that restaurant and bar tables be limited to six people, with each table being six feet apart. 

The governor told the media at a Monday press conference that the determination to eliminate the rule "was made well before the weekend" and prior to her Saturday visit to East Lansing's Landshark.

And if you believe that second paragraph, I have a nice bridge a bit north of here joining two peninsulae that I'd like to sell you. 

Looks like she had a nice time Saturday busting her own rule:

That's 13 people, over twice the number allowed under her 6 person rule that was in force, and enforced against others.

But, we'll have to give the Governor some partial credit here.  

Since she was openly caught violating her own rule on camera, she at least didn't try to brazen it out as she has done over her Florida jaunt,  and so far, she did not say "Who ya gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?".

On the upside, assuming this is now a precedent, then the more rues she violates, the more these arbitrary and unilaterally set rules will go away, so that's something at least.


Old NFO said...

She's becoming a true clown act!!!

Aaron said...

Old NFO: We've gone past clown and are hovering around a completely ridiculous (if not outright lethal - considering her orders re nursing homes) pardoy of a governor with her at this point.