Sunday, June 07, 2020

The House: All Your Weekend Belong To Us

So yesterday I had more of a workout with the crushed granite.

Lining the side of the house:

This took quite a lot to get it done, but it now looks rather nice.

Then I lined the area off the porch where the hose and gas meter is with the crushed granite. It doesn't look like much but now the ground is level at the base, sloping away form the house and a lot safer to stand in when turnign the valve to use the garden hose as before that are was a complete mess.

Then the mulch arrived, all 5 cubic yards of it.

That's a lot of mulch and that's what we've been doing today - weeding the yard and mulching the flowerbeds. Quite the workout these past two days.

Much time spent loading the mulch into the wheelbarrow and taking it to where it is needed, and repeating ad infinitum.

Of course its beginning to look like we have too much mulch now as just about everything covered but a small mountain of about half a cubic yard remains. Ugh.

Sometime this summer I need to repaint the deck and replace a few deck pieces off wood that have warped. That should be fun.


Old NFO said...

Busy is good! :-)

Aaron said...

Old NFO: That it is, at least all the muscle aches tell me so.