Saturday, June 06, 2020

Gov Half-Whit Facing A Loss In Court Relents On Barber Shops

Sometimes better late than never is better than nothing. Michigan along with New Jersey are the last states to allow barber and hair salon facilities to open. Governor Half-Whit finally allowed Michigan to join the rest of the union with open barber shops.

Of course, she doesn't just announce they can open, she set a nice arbitrary ten days from the date of her announcement to let them do so, so she gets ten more days to keep fining and harassing Karl Manke:

The Detroit News: Whitmer set to reopen hair salons, barbershops June 15; gyms, theaters to reopen in northern Michigan

One of the obvious reasons she announced this is the Michigan Supreme Court reversed the Court of Appeals ruling against Barber Karl Manke.

Typically, when Big Gretch gets sued, as happened with realtors suing her, she folds. So this will potentially moot out the case at least as far as it goes with her order banning barbers from opening, possibly Manke's attornrey can keep it going due to the fines and punishments hes facing under her closure orders.

Unfortunately this pandemic is letting governors get their control freak on, and even with allowing things to open (but not all facilities can open yet and she's still insanely socking it to drive-in theaters for some pernicious reason) there's a score of regulations, impositions, costs, and controls on business all in a one-size-fits-all model and woe betide any business that fails to comply.

We'll see if these controls start to relent or its a new wave of regulations on business that are here to stay - and given that she just created and appointed a "Coronavirus Work Safety Director", you can expect government micromanagement to continue now that she allows businesses to once again open.

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