Thursday, May 14, 2020

So is There A Link Between

states ordering nursing homes to take in known coronavirus patients, and the resultant high death rates in those same states with those orders, with the deaths heavily coming from nursing homes?

Certainly there's a heckuva tight correlation.

New York.

New Jersey.


Yes, Michigan also required nursing homes to take in patients with coronavirus, with predictable results. The executive order for same was renewed today. Sure enough that order requiring nursing homes to take in covid positive patients led to coronavirus ripping through nursing homes - because the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. Yep, Gov Half-Whit followed Cuomo et al, in passing executive orders requiring nursing homes, the location of those clustered togetherthe and most vulnerable to the Coronavirus, to be required to take in patients known to have coronavirus. To their surprise I'm sure, this lead to a spike in Corpnavirus in nursing homes.

If you wondered why it spread like wildfire through nursing homes and why most fatalities in these states have been in nursing homes, there's a good part of your answer.

Heads should roll for this kind of malfeasance.


MrGarabaldi said...

Hey Aaron;

Can I be a cynic and wonder if the state just wanted to get rid of these old geezers because they are of no more value to the state? they are just a drain of resources....stuff that can be spent better on initiatives....and other know.....but I am a cynic and our government wouldn't view us co callously. would they?

Eaton Rapids Joe said...

The actual language of Executive Order 2020-50 is very coy about when it was released.

For what it is worth, the link between Covid-19 and wholesale deaths in nursing homes was released on a media outlet with national distribution on March 12, 2020

Who knew what? When did they know it? What did they do after due diligence would have ensured that they did know it?

Aaron said...

MrGarabaldi: Some people early on rather blithely referred to this virus as the "Boomer Remover". I'm rather interested in who came up with this moronic idea and was able to get all these Democrat governors to adopt it in lock-step.

Eaton Rapids Joe: The executive order 2020-50 was received in the Michigan Senate on April 15, 2020 and the official copy is dated April 15 - a full month after that march report. The risk was certainly known early on, yet all these states adopted a policy that would prove a fertile and lethal breeding ground for the virus.