Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Happy Locked-Down 24th Anniversary To Me!

Well, it is my and Natasha's 24th wedding today.

Certainly, the most locked down one we’ve ever had.

Considering I distinctly recall the judge said I could have been a free man by now, being locked down for our anniversary is a tad ironic.

It’s been 24 amazing and loving years with Tash, with great adventures and wonders, including two wonderful kids, and I look forward to many, many more years together.

But - Next year for #25 though - we will get out and go somewhere special.


juvat said...

Well...First thing, Congratulations!

Second, very sorry that you're still in lock down mode. Hope that ends soon, if for no other reason than you get to have a belated celebration dinner somewhere one or the other, or both, don't have to cook.

Hopefully, people's eyes are being opened about what's going on and what could be coming down the road...and then vote differently.

One can always hope.

OldAFSarge said...

Congratulations Aaron and Tash! May your lives be full of joy and may your blessings be many. To life!

Aaron said...

juvat: Many thanks! Yep, if our Imperial-Governess-who-wishes-to-be-VP would be so kind to let us all out and cease destroying our economy, that would be nice.

One can hope but far too many people think she and her arbitrary restrictions are all that and a bag of chips. She's singlehandedly "saving us all" you know. Yuck.

OldAFSarge; Many thanks good sir.

B said...

Happy Anniversary.

Once this shit gets back to something approaching rationality, we need to get together for lunch.

drjim said...

Congrats, to you and your wife, Aaron!

Sorry to hear Governor Half-Wit has still got you locked down. We're starting to get back to normal here, and restaurants are reopening in the next couple of weeks. Still have some STOOPID restrictions in place, but getting better.

Aaron said...

B: Thanks and yes, we definitely do need to do that. KJXN just totally revamped their restaurant prior to the closing, I hope they make it through as its a delightful spot to fly to for lunch. Also some spot in Indiana might be fun as well.

drjim: Thanks!