Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Thanks, But No Tanks, For The Parade

Russia does love its Victory Day parade.  

But this year's parade seemed impressively short on Armor:

Russia only had a single, solitary, World War 2 vintage T-34 tank to clank on the  parade route, rather than the columns of armor in years (see here for 2019 for example) past.

Per observations by OSInt, there was a distinct and marked shortage of armored vehicles on display this year.  Most of Russia's armor is now parading not in Red Square but instead on parade as hulks situated along Ukrainian roads with their turrets blown off.  

There were also no flyovers in the parade, unlike in years past. The war in Ukraine is clearly going badly for Russia, as demonstrated by a lack of armor and armored crews to spare for their premier parade.


Old NFO said...

Truth hurts... And they are hurting!

Beans said...

I also noticed that. Very... interesting.

But all the pro-Russians are saying things are perfectly a-okay with the Russian military. Yep. Sure. Nothing to see here, move along, move along.