Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Quelle Surprise - MSU Killer Is [Not] A Previously Convicted Felon

The Detroit News: 3 killed, 5 wounded in Michigan State shooting were all students; suspect identified

Turns out the a-hole in question, who shot himself when confronted by police, was previously convicted of a felony and released from supervision in 2021.  Thus he was legally not allowed to possess firearms yet did so anyways last night.  Again, criminal don't obey laws.

The narrative has thus immediately pivoted to gun control, as discussing the problem of Black felons in possession of firearms and committing crimes would raise far too many politically incorrect questions.

That sound you hear is the standard narrative getting flushed down the toilet.

Every single one of the proposed gun control laws that Whitmer demands would not have prevented this situation.  Not a single one.

Update:  No, it turns out he's not a convicted felon.  The felony charge was dropped to a high misdemeanor by the Ingham County Prosecutor. 

And, it turns out he legally bought at least one of the two handguns used in the murder at a pawn shop and thus passed the background check on the purchase.

Thus Whitmer and the Democrat's proposals for more gun control, including "universal background checks" still would not have stopped this as he passed a background check just fine due to a Democrat prosecutor dropping the felony charge to a misdemeanor.


Matthew W said...

Pleaded the felony down to a misdemeanor????
This is why they want to take my gun(s) away????
"They" need to be serious about criminals with guns

Fredrick said...

Did he get a plea deal instead of a felony?

Matthew W said...

From the link:
"In October 2019, Ingham County prosecutors added a second charge against McRae: possession of a loaded firearm in a vehicle, a misdemeanor.

That same month, October 2019, McRae agreed to plead guilty to the lesser misdemeanor charge, and prosecutors dismissed the felony charge"

pigpen51 said...

We know that this will still be used by the Empress of Lansing, so the details of the shooter have to be scrubbed.

Dan said...

First look at 750.227c. Although a misdemeanor under state law, it is punishable by imprisonment up to 2 years. Now look at 18 U.S.C. 922g(1) - making it unlawful for any person who has by convicted of a crime "punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year" from owning a gun.