Thursday, April 16, 2020

Coronavirus Detroit Michigan Hospital Reports

Take these for what they're worth - two eyewitness but requested to remain anonymous reports from two doctors I know who work at two different hospitals in Detroit treating patients with the Wuhan Kung Flu.

First, in both of their estimations told to me independently, the crest of the wave has now passed. They've both been able to get some downtime during their shifts in the past couple days for the first time since the rush.

Second, this flu hits the obese victim like a hammer.

Obese patients with BMIs in the 40-45 range are the majority of the patients they're seeing both as victims and in the most distressed condition when infected. In short, if you're in the 40-45 BMI range and can safely take steps to get your weight down, it's time to get cracking.

Third, quite a few of their Detroit patients were telling them they couldn't believe they got the virus because "This is a white man's disease". Yeah, no kidding, they've said it, and they believed it right up until they got down with the sickness

This stupid and misguided, not to mention counter-factual belief on their part partially explains why a lot of Detroiters up until recently were happily gathering and partying at gas stations and doing the opposite of social gathering. It also tends to explain at least one of the factors why Detroit has been getting socked with this while other areas haven't had as extensive a spread.

So, the good news is the Coronavirus wave seems to be slowing down and we should, if we do it smartly, be able to get things back to normal and start opening up again.

1 comment:

Eaton Rapids Joe said...

The percentage of patients presenting with C-19 symptoms has been dropping since the end of March.