Thursday, March 12, 2020

Downside: Panic - Upside: Everyone's Personal Hygiene Will Improve

Well, extracurricular activities at school including volleyball and forensics are now cancelled die to Corona-panic.

Lots of other gatherings are cancelled as well.

People are going on big time panic-buying sprees which is not a good thing at all.

Lots of disruptions are occurring due to this current panic.

Kids are all off school tomorrow as teachers have a conference to decide on remote teaching.

The Federal District Courthouse just passed a local rule barring anyone who in the last 14 days has traveled to China, South Korea, Italy or Iran or has been in contact with someone who has, and anyone with flu-like symptoms from entering, which will cause lots of hearing rescheduling I expect. Not to mention 14 days would be cutting it a tad close given the estimate incubation period is, yep, 14 days. I would have thought they woukd have done 20 days for a safety buffer.

Our local state district court is now requiring hands to be sanitized before going through building security. This is not a bad idea.

I expect that the sickness rate from all communicable diseases and dirt-related sources will likely drop due to people practicing better hygiene. So there's that, which is nice.

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