Thursday, September 05, 2024

London Trip 10 - Eye See What You Did There

The next day started out with a nice cuppa Earl Grey Tea at the hotel (they served this brand at the hotel and it is quite tasty indeed).

We got up headed out of the hotel and headed to the Thames.

We crossed one of the Golden Jubilee Bridges besides the Hungerford Railway Bridge.

As we crossed, Mr. B. noted some interesting things about the Hungerford Bridge construction from an engineering standpoint. I learned things.

Quite a cool bridge and it was a nice walk across the Thames.

We then headed to our destination:

 The London Eye.

Unfortunately, we had not bought tickets in advance and they were full up. Still, fun to see and a nice scenic walk there.

All was not lost, as we had an opportunity for a late breakfast there. At the base of the Eye is a highly recommended chippy:

I could see why it was so well recommended, it was really, really, good and certainly hit the spot. Plenty of energy for the perambulations to come.

After the breakfast we started walking to our next destination and got to see various historical markers and memorials:

The Ghurka Memorial:

The Memorial to the lifting of the Siege of Cadiz during the Napoleonic Wars:

The memorial to Earl Roberts at the Horse Guard's Parade:

Yes, there were Horse Guards present:

A statue of Lord Kitchener:


A statue of Baron Robert Clive:

Lots of history seen on our way to visit a museum dedicated to one of the most consequential Brits of the 20th  century. The museum was located in the place where he made many of those consequential decisions.

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