Sunday, September 22, 2024

Flying: Saturday Brunch In Jackson

Today was yet another beautiful day for flying. Well, it was once the fog burned off anyways. Solid Low IFR until 10:30 am today both here and at Jackson, my planned destination.

But, by the time we were ready to go, the fog was burned away and it was VFR so I just requested flight following and we were off.  

Pontiac was busy as everyone was flying today, so they went to split towers, with a different frequency for each runway.  Always interesting when they do that.  Busy airspace but they handled it with aplomb as they always do.  Mighty fine controllers there.

It was a glorious day to get in the air.

With winds out of 330, Jackson was using Runway 32.

My first time landing on Runway 32 in Jackson. I did the RNAV approach, which was fun, especially as I got routed around parachute jumpers so it was an interesting and somewhat tight approach vectored right to the final approach fix.

Darn good landing there. My passenger was pleased.

Had lunch with a delicious burger and I then took to the air again.

Flew back to Pontiac and did a visual, entering the downwind, with Tower calling my base for traffic.  Tower then requested an immediate base turn and switching from 27L to 27R, which I did and came in for a great landing that was again a passenger-pleaser.

That's 1.6 and 2 great landings.

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