Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Hezbollah Home Depot

Hezbollah, as Arab and Islamic terrorist and military groups tend to do stores its munitions in homes, hospitals, schools, and other locations that normally would be protected under the Geneva Convention,

However, once you use these sites for military purposes such as storing weapons, launching weapons, or as a military headquarters, they lose their protected status and are valid military targets.

Here for example is a nice home south of the Litani river in Lebanon used by Hezbollah as a weapons depot. Since Hezbollah isn't supposed to be south of the Litani - they've been violating the ceasefire agreement and UN Resolution 1701 since the day it was written in 2006, these are certainly valid military targets, especially as Hezbollah has been using them to launch rockets and missiles at Israel on a daily basis.

Get a load of all those secondary explosions. They had that house packed to the gills.

But wait, there's more:


Lots more:

So, the next time someone claims Israel is bombing houses and thus committing war crimes you may want to point out they are not bombing houses but home depots.  That is not a war crime by Israel but the result of a violation of the laws of war by Hezbollah.

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