Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Oh Joy, Michigan Now Has A Poet Laureate

Yep, as expected the choice was indeed politically correct.

The Detroit Free Press:  Meet Nandi Comer, Michigan's first poet laureate since the 1950s

She's the second poet laureate the state has had, after an absence of even having one for over 70 years, indicating the clear and desperate need for poet laureates in this state.

I know you're asking, Nandi who?  

So has everyone else.  

She's hardly a household name, and seems to be mainly known among the lefty Detroit artsy set. As is to be expected, she's African American and leftist, and has all of two poetry books on Amazon. Clearly the best possible candidate to represent this state as a poet laureate.

She is indeed skilled at lefty word salads that defy explanation:

Quality cant, that.

And, of course, race and blackness are key, and her work includes a charming poem to Dear Trayvon (Martin) and Michael (Brown) and the poem of course runs with the false hands up myth in the case of Michael Brown, and they both dindu nuffin, of course.

I daresay, we really didn't need a poet laureate, nor the expense of one, and even if one was needed, one would have hoped they would represent Michigan as a whole.


pigpen51 said...

I like how the leftists complain how white Europeans took over indigenous peoples land, but don't say anything about the people of Canada taking over the indigenous peoples lands there, or the people of Spain taking over the indigenous people of Mexico or the islands of the Carribean. Or any of the other dozens of nations that other nations conquered.
And of course the poet laureate would come from the Detroit area, and would be an African American. That is where the votes come from, and the Democrats would never do anything that might anger voters. 350K a year? That is nothing to the Democrats, especially since they can take it from the state budget and not have to hide it from the people. Consider it a campaign contribution, that they can be upfront with. And they don't even have to hold a 1,000$ a plate luncheon to get it.

Aaron said...

pigpen51: Oh, they certtian do berate themselves in Canada for "steloing native land" just about every public performance now starts with a ridiculous "land acknowledgement" that the performance is taking place on land stolen from whatever Indian tribe they care to name (regardless of historical accuracy nor historical facts for that matter, or how that tribe took over and stole that land itself). Of course they never offer to return it for some strange reason.

Yep more public money spent for leftist causes and not for the public as a whole.

Old NFO said... about pandering...sigh