Sunday, September 11, 2022

9/11 - 21 Years On

It appears the Detroit Free Press as of right now seems to have forgotten all about it.  Not a single mention of it on their home page. They have more headline room for a teenage twit to opine about social justice and gun control than the biggest terrorist event in US History.

The Detroit News does at least have it on its home page, but you have to scroll way down to find it mentioned under the "Nation + World" Section.

So some have forgotten about it or reduced to a distant memory, for some it seems like yesterday, and some adults now were not even alive when it happened.

Some of the problem is we refuse to identify the enemy and make it a vacuous "War on Terror" which by its very nature cannot be won as you can't beat a tactic.  You beat the enemy using the tactic.

It's also undercut this year by the rather fresh memory of Biden's debacle of an Afghanistan rout, for which many would rather we forgot.

We still remember 9/11 though, and we do remember those heroes and those innocent victims who lost their lives that day.


DaveS said...

Thank you for remembering.
Many died that day, most in a state of shock and surprise, and some knowingly, doing what they could to save others.
May We Never Forget.

Old NFO said...

That we do…