Thursday, October 03, 2019

Israel Day 5 - The Israeli Air Force's Nature Preserve

After visiting Masada we headed west to Beersheva and then to Hatzerim in the Negev Desert.

What's in Hatzerim you ask?

An Israeli Air Force Base that happens to house The Israeli Air Force Museum, referred to as their Nature Preserve.

As you might guess, this was my pick of a destination during our trip.

You pass the gate guardian as you approach the base.

Then you meet the guardian of the gate, the corporal of the guard, standing guard at the entrance gate to the museum:

One of the rules was no taking pictures of airborne or other operational aircraft while on the base, but the museum aircraft as we shall see, were more than sufficient to satisfy the most insatiable aviation fan.

The museum has a nice indoor facility with a good history of the air force, and there's also a large cargo plane turned into a movie theater where you can watch a movie about some of the air force's exploits. Tash and the kids headed to tour the air conditioned areas while I headed out to explore the amazing array of aircraft on display at the museum.


MrGarabaldi said...

Hey Aaron;

Was that the museum that had the Mig 21 that was snagged by Mossad from the Iraqi's?

Aaron said...

MrGarabaldi: It is indeed. Pictures will be forthcoming along with other MiGs at the museum.