Monday, August 29, 2022

The Irony Of Detroit Gun Violence Interventionists

In the Detroit Free Press, there's an article about a rally against gun violence, as they are of course blaming guns for criminal's actions and the fact that criminal violence and assaults, often over trivial matters are very much on the rise in the D.

The Detroit Free Press: Shootings over simple disputes on the rise, Detroit interventionists say

It's mostly pay-walled, but the photos accompanying the article are not.

The irony of course is because of one of the featured speakers depicted in the article:

Sam Riddle.  

Sam Riddle talking against gun violence.

The very same Sam Riddle who himself was sentenced to two years for firing off a shotgun in a "simple dispute" - being caught in bed with another woman by his "live in companion" and then shooting at his companion with a shotgun.

So yes, Sam Riddle would surely know all about inappropriately using guns during a simple dispute. 

In the D, even violent felonies, even involving firearms and violence against women - two things Democrats profess to be against - don't stop Democrat politicians from being considered respected (and of course paid) heads of Democrat organizations rather than placed beyond the pale for their actions.

You just can't make this up.


Old NFO said...

I notice he had a 'security person' standing to his left, and I'll bet HE was carrying...

Aaron said...

Old NFO: I'd bet you're right.