Monday, February 08, 2021

Covid Naming Thought For The Night

Now, we've been told that applying appellation of  "Wuhan Virus" or the "China Virus"  is allegedly both racist and scientifically illiterate.  Verily, one may not even say the descriptive words China Virus or Wuhan Flu to denote the virus' geographic origin.  Indeed even the Yale School of Medicine said it was bad to attach geographical locations to identify the source of the disease in its name.   News agencies fell into line immediately with this and uniformly call it Covid-19 or Coronavirus with no hint to its geographic origin.

Yet, news agencies now regularly and with absolutely no self-reflection report the mutations of the virus as the South African variant, or the UK Coronavirus variant, and the Brazil variant etc.  There's no insistence that they be solely referred to by their variant names of B.1.351 , B.1.1.7, and P.1 respectively.

Isn't that interesting?


MrGarabaldi said...

Hey Aaron;

They can't call it the "Wuhan Bug" Their masters have spoken, and they are beholden to who they have allegiance to.

drjim said...

Welcome to DoubleSpeak, V.01

Aaron said...

MrGarabaldi - Exactly so.

drjim - Yes indeed.