Thursday, October 29, 2020

Michigan Court Of Appeals Slaps Down Secretary Of State's Polling Place Carry Ban Appeal

That was quite an expedited denial of an appeal.

The Detroit Free Press: Michigan Court of Appeals denies Benson appeal, says open carry at polls is legal

It's pretty clear her edict banning carry at the polls was improper  and in violation of the Administrative Procedure Act and Michigan Law.

Not content to lose badly twice, AG Nasty Nessel and Secretary Benson are vowing to appeal this to the Michigan Supreme Court.

In short, who you vote for as a judge matters, as the panel here were all Republican justices, and yes, these days that matters.


drjim said...

What's the make-up of your Supreme Court?

Old NFO said...


Aaron said...

drjim: Pretty even and has been trending to go Democrat in a lot of ways., right now its 4-3 Republican to Democrats. The Court of Appeals tends to be Democrat-dominated but the panel that was drawn for the case happened to be Republican.

Old NFO: Yep, its still ongoing and not done yet.