Friday, July 05, 2024

A Quick And Interesting Presidential Fact

George W. Bush is today younger, at 77 years of age, than both the current incumbent, and the contender for the oval office.

His term in office as President ended 15 years ago.

Make of that what you will.

Well, You Can Forget About That 3 A.M. Phone Call

CNN: Biden tells Democratic governors he needs more sleep and plans to stop scheduling events after 8 p.m,

Thank goodness that nothing of import ever happens after 8 p.m. that might impact the running of this country.

Forget about the implications of the effort going on by Democrats now to pressure Biden to drop out of the race to save democracy after he has already been democratically selected as their candidate. 

More importantly, is Biden even capable of acting as President right now?

Thursday, July 04, 2024

Happy Independence Day!

The Declaration of Independence was passed by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776.

You can learn more about the history of Independence Day, including that it was only made a Federal holiday in 1941, here.

May you celebrate our Nation's continued independence with the appropriate beverage and vittles of your choice.

Happy Independence Day!

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Well, Bye.

Some people take politics way too seriously, not to mention letting Trump live rent-free in their heads. 

One of my dive buddies from the Blackbeard's trip,  Gio the Californian has decided he can't be my dive buddy, nor come along with me and Jay (for the record, Jay is a Democrat) on another dive trip. 

This is solely because I'm not voting for Biden.

This was done complete via a rather long screed by text, most of which had a very tenuous connection to reality and facts, but was very emotionally laden.

Likely, Gio has been taking too much marijuana and MDMA, which he extols using, which is kinda pathetic.

Ah well, no great loss, really. 

I really shouldn't dive with a flippin' drug using clownfish anyway.

That Excuse Just Won't Fly

The Detroit Free Press: President Biden blames overseas travel for disastrous debate: 'I nearly fell asleep on stage'

"I didn't have my best night," Biden told supporters. "I wasn't very smart. I decided to travel around the world a couple of times, going through I don't how many times zones.

"I didn't listen to my staff. And then I came back and I nearly fell asleep on stage," Biden said, prompting laughs from some of the donors. “It’s not an excuse but an explanation."

Except it is neither.

Biden spent 6 days at Camp David after his "travel around the world"  doing nothing but resting up and preparing for his debate performance.

The leader of the free world can't handle a debate (where he very well may have even been slipped the questions in advance) and is blaming his performance on being too tired due to travel that took place before 6 days of rest and relaxation. 

If he can't function appropriately due to being too tired after six days of rest and preparation, how the heck is he capable of handling day-to-day matters, not to mention the crises of the office?

Tuesday, July 02, 2024

There's A Reasons Areas Are Closed In Detroit During The Fireworks

The Detroit Free Press: Detroiters make the best of fireworks night, but deserve more 

The author of the article bemoans that certain areas of Detroit, especially the parks by the Riverwalk, that offer prime viewing,  are closed off for viewing the fireworks for the 4th.  Verily,  he feels the parks should be opened up for viewing.

Of course, the article then states exactly why the parks are closed.  It's  because some people really can't behave and end up shooting other people during the fireworks show at those parks.

In short they may "deserve more" access but they're part of the problem for the closures.

But the Detroit Police Department offers a pretty good reason for it [the closures]:

In 2017, a 46-year-old woman was shot just before the fireworks began, struck by a bullet during a dispute that didn’t involve her near the Spirit of Detroit statue. In 2013, a 37-year old man was killed about a mile from Hart Plaza during the fireworks show. In 2011, a 16-year old girl was shot in the leg as she and her friends walked near Atwater and Beaubien near the Renaissance Center. And in 2004, nine people were shot in Hart Plaza following an argument, according to Free Press archives.

Yes, the parks are closed because the Detroit Police can't be in every park on the 4th, and it's inevitable some hoodrat is going to feel disrespected and pop off some rounds as a matter of course. 

It's a bit more of a deterrent, and perhaps less likely to happen if its near where the police actually are out in force.

Meanwhile, another Detroit Free Press Writer notes exactly why the Detroit area can't have nice things:

The Detroit Free Press: Young people fighting at metro Detroit events is ruining safety, summer

Note how he says "Young people" or "teenagers and young adults" and draw your own conclusions. 

He doesn't come out and say that it's the hoodrats and yutes from Detroit and other certain environs that are ruining the area festivals, but that's exactly who is causing the problems at these summer events.

Orchard Lake St. Mary's had to close the Annual Polish Fair, of which I have very fond memories from taking my kids there, due to hoodrats coming in and causing fights and mayhem at night, due to the excess costs for security.

We can't have nice things both in Detroit itself and its surrounding environs because some people's kids just can't behave properly, and their community isn't cracking down on them or showing them the appropriate way to behave.

Monday, July 01, 2024

Pro-Hamas Students Disrupt MSU Trustee Meeitng

So the pro-Hamas types decided to disrupt a Michigan State University Board Meeting:

The Detroit News:  Pro-Palestinian students disrupt MSU board meeting, causing most trustees to exit

Yep their chant is very coherent and oh, so inspiring:

"One, we are the people. Two, we won't stop fighting. Three, end the fighting now, now, now, now," the protesters chanted, led by MSU student activist and organizer Jesse Estrada White. 

They're certainly not "the people and they clearly don't get the inherent irony and contradiction of their "Two" followed by "Three".  

I do have to worry about the quality of MSU's education these days with this low-quality level of chanting. It's barely a step above "Neener, Neener".

Instead of walking out like weaklings, the MSU Trustees should have stood their ground and handed the disruptive idiots some green and white binkies, and told them to shut up as adults were talking.