Wednesday, July 24, 2024

More Democrat Political Violence - Pro-Hamas Protesters Eat Their Own

So the Pro-Hamas, Pro-terrorist leftists decided to storm the capitol today to protest Netanyahu visiting.


Note: if you're burning the American Flag, you're one of the bad guys.

None dare call it an insurrection mind you.

 The Detroit Free Press: Pro-Palestinian protestors try to force way into Rep. Dan Kildee's office

The Detroit News: Thousands descend on Washington to protest Israel ahead of Netanyahu's speech to Congress

We will note Kildee has been supportive of Hamas, being against sending Israel weapons to defend itself. So the protesters were going for an own-goal.

It is unlikely that Rep Kildee learned much from the experience. 

Then again, neither have the terrorist-supporting protestors learned anything in all this time, still backing terrorists and still falsely claiming there is a genocide that is provably not occurring.

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