Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Funny Isn't It? "Global Warming/Climate Change" Can Do Everything

Including even messing up a Paris Olympics event: 

The Detroit News:  Olympics bet against climate change with swimming in Seine and may lose. Scientists say told you so

In short, the planners for the triathalon thought it wouldn't rain much during the Olympics so it wouldn't be a major issue to have the swim in the Seine.

It in fact did rain, a lot, which caused sewer runoff into the Seine. The fact that it rained is being blamed, of course, on Climate Change.

Now, where would the planners have gotten the idea that it wouldn't rain much?

Why, from the proclamations of scientists that climate change was causing drought and a lack of rainfall - as recently as 2022 and 2023: 

France 24:  France’s unprecedented drought shows climate change is ‘spiralling out of control’

euronews: ‘We can’t escape the reality’: France is preparing for 4°C of warming by 2100

So, the Olympics may have went with the prior proclamation from climate change scientists that Climate Change was going to cause droughts and lack of rain rather than today's proclamation -- conveniently after heavy rainfall too place --that climate change causes heavy rain. Or, maybe they just relied on a long-range weather forecast that proved to be wrong?

"Climate Change" bears far more similarity to an unfalsifiable religion than to science as everything, including contradictory things, can be conveniently to be blamed upon it in an ever-changing narrative.

1 comment:

juvat said...

Idiots gotta prove they’re worthy of the title!