Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Apparently He Was Not Deported Far Enough

The deliberately porous border, made so rather deliberately by the Democrats, lets lots of people in who we'd really rather not have here.

The Detroit News: Man accused in Shelby Twp. sex assaults had been deported, officials say

While he had been deported before, he then again  illegally entered the United States and this time committed numerous sexual assaults on a minor. He was then caught trying to flee the country.

He's now been caught, and likely will be convicted and will serve a life sentence for his crimes...which US Taxpayers will pay for of course. 

A pity there wasn't a secure border to prevent him from entering and committing the horrendous crimes in the first place. But as Democrats would say, omelettes and broken eggs, right?


B said...

Woodchippers are a one-time expense.

Just Sayin'

Old NFO said...

Turn him over to the parents.

Justin_O_Guy said...

I'd ask the victim if they wanted to spend a little time with him. Strapped flat on a bench at a convenient height.
Then let the parents have a go.
If they would Deport a few thousand using helicopters and put them to walking the road they came in on,from about a thousand feet, I'd guess the traffic would slow Way down.

Matthew W said...

Just need to deport him 9mm...............

markshere2 said...

All excellent suggestions.