Monday, July 01, 2024

Pro-Hamas Students Disrupt MSU Trustee Meeitng

So the pro-Hamas types decided to disrupt a Michigan State University Board Meeting:

The Detroit News:  Pro-Palestinian students disrupt MSU board meeting, causing most trustees to exit

Yep their chant is very coherent and oh, so inspiring:

"One, we are the people. Two, we won't stop fighting. Three, end the fighting now, now, now, now," the protesters chanted, led by MSU student activist and organizer Jesse Estrada White. 

They're certainly not "the people and they clearly don't get the inherent irony and contradiction of their "Two" followed by "Three".  

I do have to worry about the quality of MSU's education these days with this low-quality level of chanting. It's barely a step above "Neener, Neener".

Instead of walking out like weaklings, the MSU Trustees should have stood their ground and handed the disruptive idiots some green and white binkies, and told them to shut up as adults were talking.

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