Sunday, July 07, 2024

Saturday Flyday - IFR Flying With Mr. B.

This morning I got up and headed to the airport.

I was going to fly the Archer, but I don't have my key back from when i dropped the plane off at the avionics shop.

Luckily, as the conditions were pretty marginal, the non-IFR rated club member had cancelled his flight in the Dakota, so I switched  to the Dakota, did the preflight and then drove to the south side of the airport to meet Mr. B.

I filed an IFR flight plan to fly to Troy and back to Pontiac for a round robin IFR hop as the clouds kept getting lower. We then drove back to the north side. I got the plane out, picked up my clearance, and after a run-up took off flying runway heading.

We then headed up into the clouds climbing to 3,000 and headed to Troy.

Kinda soupy, but pretty smooth.

Flew to Troy and did the full procedure RNAV 10 with a circle approach and it went pretty well.  Id did a missed approach and flew the published miss and got back in connection with Detroit Approach

Then back to Pontiac and did the RNAV 27L again in the soup.

Did a very nice approach and then went to do it again.

By the third approach the clouds had lifted a bit but not much.

 Flew the approach very well and did a very nice landing.

We then put the plane away after cleaning and refueling it, and headed back to the south side so Mr. B. could get some approaches in.

It was still quite soupy at 3,000 feet. 


We then flew up to Flint and Mr. B. Flew the approaches like they were on rails.

Great Lakes Approach handled the approaches a little weirdly.  Instead of putting us on an initial approach fix, they kept vectoring us to the final approach fix.

Mr. B. broke us out perfectly lined up on Runway 27.

Mr. B. did a missed and did it again.

Then we headed back to Pontiac and Detroit Approach put us on the initial approach fix on the RNAV 27L and Mr. B. did another great approach breaking out nicely.

 And he brought it in for a great landing in a touch of a crosswind.

 After getting our approaches in, we headed to lunch at a Mexican restaurant Mexico Lindo near the airport that turned out to be really good.

It was a great morning and we're both on track with our approaches and have maintained our currency on our instrument ratings.

A great time flying with Mr. B.

That's 1.3 and three approaches and a hold for me, and a darn good landing.

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